Italy is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT +1 hours, ie. 1 hours ahead of Greenwich, England. Miami is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT -5 hours, ie. 5 hours behind Greenwich, England. Miami is 6 hours behind Italy. (Daylight savings not taken into account.)
The time difference between Miami, USA (Eastern Time Zone) and Italy is typically 6 hours ahead of Miami. Italy is in the Central European Time Zone (CET) which is UTC +1, while Miami is in the Eastern Standard Time Zone (EST) which is UTC -5. During Daylight Saving Time, Italy is usually 5 hours ahead of Miami.
Miami is located in the -5 UTC time zone, Argentina in the -3 time zone, therefore Miami is 2 hours behind Argentina.
Miami is in the EST time zone (GMT-5) and Croatia is in the CET (GMT+1) time zone. Therefore, Croatia is six hours ahead of Miami. Both move forward one hour during daylight savings.
Houston is in the Central Time Zone and Miami is in the Eastern Time Zone. If it is 1:00pm in Houston, it would be 2:00pm in Miami.
There is no time difference between Italy and Belgium.
Minnesota is 1 hour behind Miami
It would be 9am in Miami since there is a 3-hour time difference between Los Angeles and Miami, with Miami being ahead.
Las Vegas is in the Pacific Time Zone, while Miami is in the Eastern Time Zone. Therefore, there is a 3-hour time difference between Las Vegas and Miami, with Las Vegas being 3 hours behind Miami.
6 hours
Italy's 6 hours ahead of America's Eastern time zone.
There is no time difference between Detroit and Miami.
Houston is in the Central Time Zone and Miami is in the Eastern Time Zone. If it is 1:00pm in Houston, it would be 2:00pm in Miami.
There is no time difference between Italy and Belgium.
one hour away than Miami
The time it takes to sail from Miami to Venezuela is about one day, It is fifty miles from Miami to Venezuela.
Yes, Belize is one hour behind Miami.
Minnesota is 1 hour behind Miami
It would be 9am in Miami since there is a 3-hour time difference between Los Angeles and Miami, with Miami being ahead.
No. Both New york and Miami are in the Eastern time zone.