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Q: Three ways to increase the rate at which a substance will dissolve are us anything?
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What are the three things you can do to get a substance to dissolve quicker?

Heating causes an increase in speed of dissolving as does stirring faster. In addition, crushing to a fine powder (smaller particle size) increases the surface area to volume ration and helps the substance to dissolve faster.

Substance A has a higher heat capacity than does substance B and substance B has a higher heat capacity than does substance C. If you add the same amount of heat to all three which order shows the pro?

The order in which the substances will exhibit the highest increase in temperature is C, B, A. This is because substance C has the lowest heat capacity, so it will increase in temperature the most with the same amount of heat added. Substance A, with the highest heat capacity, will increase the least.

What are the three types of solubility?

The three types of solubility are: soluble (able to dissolve in a solvent), insoluble (unable to dissolve in a solvent), and partially soluble (able to dissolve only to a limited extent in a solvent).

What are the three ways to make a solute dissolve faster?

Three ways to make a solute dissolve faster are: increasing temperature, stirring or agitating the solution, and increasing the surface area of the solute by breaking it into smaller particles or using a powdered form.

How can you separate something that can dissolve?

You can remove dissolved substances in three ways: 1) A semipermeable membrane 2) boiling off the solvent (or in the case of water, freezing it) 3) adding another solute that will cause the dissolved substance to precipitate from solution

What three things can happen to light when it encounters a substance?

Light can be absorbed by the substance, reflected off the substance, or transmitted through the substance.

What are three actions you could take to make a solid dissolve better Ina a liquid?

Stir the solid in the liquid vigorously to maximize contact and facilitate dissolution. Increase the temperature of the liquid, as higher temperatures generally enhance solubility. Crush the solid into smaller particles to increase the surface area for better dissolution.

What are the three ways that can make a sugar lump dissolve faster and why?

Warm Water (The high temp. may cause the sugar particles to met/dissolve)

What are the three physical forms in which a substance can exist?

They are the three states of matter.SolidLiquidGas

What are three ways to dissolve solids faster?

*Warming it *Stirring it *Usign a catalyst

What are the three substance?

Liquid, ice, and vapor

What does dispersible tablets mean?

the taqblets which can dissolve less than 1 min.-gauravtablet which disintegrate with three minute or less.Ahmed.