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First of all, it important to understand that the male chromosome (the Y chromosome) basically only contains the genetic material that is required to make someone male. There isn't room on it for much more. So, the sex linked disorder genes are usually only present on the X chromosome. These genes are also usually recessive traits. So, they only manifest themselves when there is not a dominant gene of the same type to override them. This will most often happen in a male where they will only have one copy of the gene on the X chromosome. Thus, traits like red-green color blindness that are carried by the X chromosome usually only manifest themselves in the male offspring of the parents and they will receive them from their mothers. Females can only inherit these traits if they are passed on by both parents. In this case, the father WILL have the trait and the mother will be a carrier at the very least.

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3w ago

It depends on the specific information given in the pedigree. If the father has the disorder allele on his X chromosome, he would be affected. If he does not carry the disorder allele, he would not be affected. The father's status would need to be determined based on the information provided in the pedigree.

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Q: This pedigree I'm working with shows the inheritance of a sex-linked disorder such as color blindness Is the father A affected or not affected by this disorder?
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