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Q: This is a mechanism by which organisms maintain homeostasis when the level of one substance influence the level of another substance or the activity of an organ?
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What is the name of the substance produced by the cells of all the endocrine glands that helps maintain homeostasis?

The substance produced by the cells of all endocrine glands that helps maintain homeostasis is called hormones. Hormones are chemical messengers that are released into the bloodstream and travel to target cells to regulate various physiological processes in the body.

What kingdom comprises of organisms with cell walls that has the same substance as that of the outer bodies of insects?

The kingdom fungi has organisms with cell walls made of chitin (the substance that makes up insect exoskeletons).

What is the difference between feedback negative feedback a negative feedback response a negative feedback mechanism and a negative feed back loop?

Feedback refers to information provided in response to a stimulus. Negative feedback specifically refers to a response that works to counteract and reverse the original stimulus, maintaining a set equilibrium. A negative feedback response is the specific action taken to reduce the effect of the stimulus. A negative feedback mechanism is the overall process by which the body regulates and maintains internal balance. A negative feedback loop is the continuous cycle of detecting and responding to changes in order to maintain homeostasis.

How does the plasma membrane maintain homeostasis?

The Plasma membrane maintains the homeostasis throughout a cell because it filters what substances go in and out of the cell. If there is too much of a substance in a cell the plasma membrane quickly disposes it and when there is not enough of a substance in a cell the plasma membrane lets the substance in.The plasma membrane uses selective permeability to maintain homeostasis in a cell by eliminating wastes and taking in needed items.

Why do chemists classify CHCl3 as an organic substance even though the substance is not produced by organisms?

Because it's a carbon based compound.

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i think it is homeostasis

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The speed of light in any substance is determined by the electrical properties of that substance, specifically the electrostatic permittivity and magnetic permeability of the substance. That's the only 'mechanism' it takes.

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What is the causes of biomagnifiction?

Biomagnification: increase in concentration of a pollutant from one link in a food chain to another. Biomagnification is the bioaccumulation of a substance up the food chain by transfer of residues of the substance in smaller organisms that are food for larger organisms in the chain. It generally refers to the sequence of processes that results in higher concentrations in organisms at higher levels in the food chain (at higher trophic levels). These processes result in an organism having higher concentrations of a substance than is present in the organism's food. Biomagnification can result in higher concentrations of the substance than would be expected if water were the only exposure mechanism. Accumulation of a substance only through contact with water is known as bioconcentration..good Luck

What is the Biochemical mechanism of water?

A mechanism is a process, and you can't apply the word to a single substance. Obviously there are quite a few biochemical mechanisms which involve water.

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What is the name of the substance produced by the cells of all the endocrine glands that helps maintain homeostasis?

The substance produced by the cells of all endocrine glands that helps maintain homeostasis is called hormones. Hormones are chemical messengers that are released into the bloodstream and travel to target cells to regulate various physiological processes in the body.

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What kingdom comprises of organisms with cell walls that has the same substance as that of the outer bodies of insects?

The kingdom fungi has organisms with cell walls made of chitin (the substance that makes up insect exoskeletons).

What is the process where pollution levels increase through the food chain?

This process is known as biomagnification. It occurs when pollutants accumulate in organisms at higher trophic levels, causing a concentration increase along the food chain. This can lead to harmful effects on top predators due to the accumulation of toxins in their bodies.