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The word "atom" and the concept of indivisible particles were introduced by the Greek philosopher Democritus around 300 BC. He believed that everything was made up of these tiny, uncuttable particles called atoms.

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Q: The word and concept of atom came from the what philosopher who during the 300 BC?
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Aristotle did not discover the atom. The concept of the atom was first proposed by the ancient Greek philosopher Leucippus and his student Democritus around the 5th century BCE. Aristotle, who came after them, did not accept the idea of atoms and instead favored a different view of matter.

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Democritus was the Greek philosopher who made a mental model of the atom. He said that atoms composed everything and were physically but not geometrically indivisible. Between the atoms there is empty space. They always will have been, and will be in motion and are indestructible. Different atoms differ in size and shape.

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Who was the ancient Greek scientist who believed in atoms?

Hisname was Democritus, and he came up with the word "atom," which is Greek for indivisible.

Who proposed that all atoms cannot be divided or destroyed and that atoms of the same element are exactly the same?

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