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Q: The types of security cooperation activities are grouped into how many categories?
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What are the categories by which data are grouped?

Data can be grouped or ungrouped. The categories data are grouped in depend on the data. For example, data collected about people could be grouped as male/female, by ages, or some other common characteristic. Data collected about dogs could be grouped by breed of dog, age, long hair/short hair, or size.

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What is the different categories of blood stain?

Blood stain patterns are grouped in two basic categories: Passive stains and dynamic patterns

What are the three categories into which crop pests can be grouped?

Fungal, herbaceous (i.e., weeds), and insect.

What order the elements follow in the periodic table?

They are usually grouped in categories besides metals and nonmetals.

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Bar graphs are used to display countable data that are grouped in categories.

Categories of business resources?

Business resources can be grouped into several categories. The most useful resources include financial resources, human resources, physical resources and intangible resources.

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When you outline your research essay what do you use as the basis for your topic sentence?

The topic sentence of each paragraph is a factor you'll be exploring in each paragraph. The importance of the topic sentence is to make the essay flow so it should link to your contention in the introduction The sentences are based on the areas or categories into which you grouped your data. Before you write a paper you should compose a 3-point thesis statement. These 3 points will be your topics. You use the subjects or topic areas into which you grouped your data.

Why would Dolphins and Porpoises be grouped together in WikiAnswers' categories?

Maybe because they share similar physical and behavioural traits.

What are the three categories that energy sources can be grouped into?

Energy sources can be grouped into three categories: renewable (e.g. solar, wind, hydro), non-renewable (e.g. fossil fuels like coal, oil, natural gas), and alternative (e.g. nuclear, geothermal, biomass). Each category has different environmental impacts and availability.