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Q: The type of molecule represented above is found in organism?
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The hydrophobic tails of the phospholipid molecule are found in the middle of a lipid bilayer. These tails are composed of fatty acid chains that are repelled by water and therefore are oriented towards the interior of the membrane to avoid contact with the surrounding water.

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The ozone molecule in found in the ozone layer. It is an allotrope of oxygen molecule.

A molecule that can be found in oils and fats is called?

A molecule that is found in oils and fats is triglycerides.

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The number of chromosomes in sperm cells varies among organisms. Without knowing the specific organism mentioned above, it is not possible to determine the exact number of chromosomes in its sperm cells.

What functional group is found in alcohol with 3 carbons?

The functional group found in an alcohol with 3 carbons is the hydroxyl group, which is represented as -OH.

What part of DNA is found at the centre of the molecule?

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what level of the food chain at which an organism is found is known as its?

Is DNA an organism?

No, DNA is not an organism. It is a molecule that carries genetic instructions for the development, functioning, growth, and reproduction of all living organisms. DNA is found in the cells of organisms and controls their traits and characteristics.

What molecule is carbon found in the atmosphere?

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the molecule in which carbon is found in the Earth's atmosphere.

How is DNA used in a living organism?

DNA stands for Deoxyribonucleic Acid. DNA is the organic molecule found in the nucleus of living cells. It is responsible for passing on characteristics from one generation of a speicies to the next.

Who found the DNA molecule?

it was ...............