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if you are referring to sodium fluoride the boiling point is 1695 °C but if you are referring to hydrogen fluoride it is 19.5 °C, 293 K, 67 °F.

If you are referring to the element fluorine it is -188 °C .

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13y ago
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10y ago

The fluorine boiling point is -188,11 0C or 85,03 K.

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13y ago

Boiling Point: 58.78 °C (331.93 K, 137.804 °F)

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11y ago

for Freon-12 the freezing point is -157.7 degrees Celsius.

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16y ago

Fluorine is a solid at -220 degrees celsius

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12y ago

The boiling Point of FLOUROMETHANE is

195.0 K (-78.2 °C)

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7y ago

In degrees Celsius:

Fluorine: -188

Chlorine: -34

Bromine: 59

Iodine: 184

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The answer depends on the freezing point of WHAT!

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53.53 k; -219.62 0c

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Q: The trend of boiling and melting point in halogens?
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What is the trend in melting point and boiling points of the elemets in group 1 and 7?

In Group 1 (alkali metals), the melting and boiling points decrease as you move down the group due to the increase in atomic size and metallic bonding. In Group 7 (halogens), the melting and boiling points increase as you move down the group due to the increase in atomic size and London dispersion forces.

What is the trend in melting points as you go down the group of halogens?

The trend in melting points as you go down the group of halogens is that they generally increase. This is due to the increasing number of electrons and atomic size which results in stronger van der Waals forces between the atoms, leading to higher melting points.

What is the trend in the boiling points of the halogens?

The boiling points of halogens generally increase as you move down the group from fluorine to iodine. This is due to the increase in the size and relative atomic mass of the atoms, which leads to stronger van der Waals forces between the molecules.

Identify the trend in melting point from lithium to caesium?

The trend in melting point from lithium to caesium is that it increases. Lithium has the lowest melting point of the alkali metals, while caesium has the highest melting point. This trend is due to the increasing strength of metallic bonding as atomic size increases down the group.

Which trend decreases for metals down a group?

Melting Point

What is group trend of boiling point in IA group?

The boiling point decrease from lithium to caesium.

Explain how the trends in melting point and boiling point differ from the other periodic trends?

Melting and boiling points are not as straightforward to predict based on periodic trends as properties like atomic size or ionization energy. They are influenced by various factors such as intermolecular forces, molecular weight, and molecular structure. While general trends can be observed within a group or period, there are often exceptions due to these complex interactions.

When the elements in group 1 are considered in order from top to bottom each successive element at standard pressure has?

a lower melting point and a lower boiling point. This trend occurs because the atoms get larger and the metallic bonds weaken, making it easier for the atoms to overcome intermolecular forces and change state.

Why does chlorine have a higher boiling point than krypton?

Chlorine has a higher boiling point than krypton because chlorine molecules are held together by stronger intermolecular forces (Van der Waals forces) due to its polar nature, while krypton is a noble gas with weak Van der Waals forces between its atoms. This results in chlorine requiring more energy to break these intermolecular bonds and transition into the gaseous phase, leading to a higher boiling point.

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The melting point of a compound is determined by the strength of intermolecular forces. Ethane has stronger London dispersion forces due to its larger size and greater surface area, leading to a higher melting point compared to methane which only has weak London dispersion forces.

What is the trend of boiling point ang melting point when the atomic number is increases?

As atomic number increases, boiling point/K increases due to there being more electrons, which create a larger strength of negative charge around the nucleus of the atom. This affects the van der waals' forces (the forces of attraction between molecules or atoms), and they become stronger. With stronger forces, it requires more energy input to change the state of the element - resulting in a higher boiling/melting point. [:

What do you notice about the boiling points as you move from left to right across the periodic table?

The trend of boiling points across a period in the periodic table should decrease from metals to nonmetals. The trend becomes more complicated between metals, the boiling point of metals tends to increase across a period.