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The sun is a lot closer.

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The brightness of a star depends not just on its surface temperature, but also on its size and distance from Earth. While Rigel is hotter than the Sun, it is also a much larger and more luminous star. Therefore, even though the Sun is cooler than Rigel, it appears brighter to us because it is much closer and has a larger luminosity due to its size.

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Q: The surface temperature of the star Rigel is about 15000celiusThe sun has a temperature of about 6000celius Why does the sun appear so much brighter?
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temperature of blue star?

A blue star is a type of star that is hotter and brighter than other stars. It has a temperature that is much higher than other stars due to its high mass. The temperature of a blue star can range from 10,000 Kelvins to over 50,000 Kelvins. This is much higher than the average temperature of stars in the universe, which is around 5,000 Kelvins. The color of a blue star is determined by its temperature. As the temperature increases, the star appears bluer and brighter. The hottest blue stars have temperatures of up to 50,000 Kelvins, and appear to be almost white. The temperature of a blue star also affects its size and brightness. The hotter and brighter the star, the larger and brighter it is. For example, the hottest blue stars can be up to 10 times the size of a typical red dwarf star. In addition to its temperature, the surface gravity of a blue star also affects its temperature. The higher the surface gravity, the hotter the star will be. This is due to the fact that the star has to work harder to fight against the strong gravitational pull of its massive core. Finally, the composition of the star also affects its temperature. Blue stars are composed mostly of hydrogen and helium, which are the two most common elements in the universe. The more hydrogen and helium that a star contains, the hotter it will be. In summary, the temperature of a blue star is determined by several factors, including its mass, surface gravity, and composition. The hotter and brighter the star, the higher its temperature will be. The temperature of a blue star can range from 10,000 Kelvins to over 50,000 Kelvins.

Will brighter light eject more electrons from a photosensitive surface than dimmer light of the same frequency?

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How hot is Sirius?

Sirius is a binary star system with two main stars, Sirius A and Sirius B. Sirius A, the brighter and more massive star, has a surface temperature of around 9,940°C (17,964°F). Sirius B, the smaller and fainter star, has a surface temperature of about 25,200°C (45,332°F).

What is the temperature of the betelgeuse star?

Betelgeuse is a red supergiant.Its mass is 18-19 solar masses and its diameter is about 936 times the sun.It's surface temperature is about 3,500 K about 3200 Celsius, 5800 Fahrenheit much cooler than our own sun but since the surface area is much larger the overall luminosity is about 100,000 brighter.

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The star Canopus is brighter than Sirius. Canopus is the second brightest star in the night sky after Sirius and can be seen from most parts of the Earth's surface.

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Surface temperature? Saturn probably doesn't HAVE a "surface".