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Neptune's ring system is composed of five main rings named Galle, LeVerrier, Lassell, Arago, and Adams, but they are faint and difficult to see. These rings are made up of mostly dust particles and are thought to be made up of remnants from comets or asteroids. The rings were first discovered in 1984 by the Voyager 2 spacecraft.

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Q: The ring of Neptune
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What is Neptune's ring?

Neptune have 3 bright ring's scienist said.

How many primary rings does Neptune have?

Neptune has 5 rings * Adams Ring at 63000 km from the centre of Neptune * Le Verrier Ring at 53000 km * Galle Ring, at 42000 km. * Arago * Lassell - a faint outward extension of the Le Verrier Ring

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Which planets have a ring and moon?

Jupiter, Saturn,Uranus,and Neptune have a ring and a moon.

What does Neptune have in common with Saturn?

They are gas giants with ring systems.

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They all have ring systems.

What are the differences between neptune and uranus?

Neptune is more massive than Uranus, is further from the sun and was discovered after Uranus. Uranus has 27 known and named satellites as well as a ring system. Neptune has 14 known and named satellites, and a faint and fragmented ring system.

Does Neptune have a ring system?

Yes! Indeed Neptune does have a ring system, although it's rings are so dark that it is hard to see them with a telescope. It has 5 rings. 3 are narrow rings and 2 are wide rings.

What is different between Earth and Neptune?

neptune is a gas planet, it has a ring, it is bigger, it is colder, it is windier, it is farther from the sun, it is named after a roman god.

What planet don't have a ring?

pluto,mercury,mars,venus,neptune, and earth

Which planet is better Saturn or neptune?

Saturn becaus it has a ring, uranus with vaseline

Does one of Neptune's rings have a twist in it?

yes, Adams ring is distinctly twisted