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Q: The region along a plate boundary where one plate moves under another plate is called what?
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What is the region along a plate boundary where one plate is moved beneath another called?

The region is called a subduction zone. It occurs at convergent plate boundaries where one tectonic plate is forced below another due to differences in density. This subduction process can lead to volcanic activity and earthquakes.

What is another name for the divergent boundary in the Atlantic Ocean?

The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is another name for the divergent boundary in the Atlantic Ocean. It is a mountain range that formed by the seafloor spreading along this boundary.

The region along the tectonic plate boundaries where one plate moves beneath another is called?

It's Constructive plate boundary which is often found near north & south america... The other r destructive & conservative.. BUT THE ANS IZZZ CONSTRUCTIVE,,,,

The region along tectonic plate boundaries where one plate moves beneath another is called a?

It's Constructive plate boundary which is often found near north & south america... The other r destructive & conservative.. BUT THE ANS IZZZ CONSTRUCTIVE,,,,

What is a crack in the rock at a plate boundary called?

If there is movement of rock along this crack, then it is called a fault.

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What is the region along plate boundaries where one plate moves beneath another called?

The region where one tectonic plate moves beneath another is called a subduction zone. This process is responsible for creating deep-sea trenches, volcanic arcs, and earthquakes.

Where is north Texas region located?

Along the Colorado River northern boundary of Texas. The Panhandle is not referred to as North Texas.

What type of plate boundary forms where two plates slide past one another?

A transform plate boundary forms where two plates slide past one another horizontally. This movement can cause earthquakes due to the friction and pressure buildup along the boundary. An example of this type of boundary is the San Andreas Fault in California.

A series of volcanic islands that form along a plate boundary is called a what?

A series of volcanic islands that form along a plate boundary is called an island arc. This occurs when one tectonic plate subducts beneath another, leading to magma rising to the surface and forming a chain of volcanic islands. Examples of island arcs include the Japanese archipelago and the Aleutian Islands.

When two boundary goes the opposite directions is called and what is the motion at boundary?

When two boundaries move in opposite directions, it is called a transform boundary. The motion at this boundary is typically horizontal sliding or shearing, where the two plates slide past each other. This movement can result in earthquakes along the boundary.

How persons get along with one another is called?

People getting along with one and another is called 'Cooperating'.