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Yes, having a large number of individuals in the F1 generation increases the likelihood of observing the predicted Mendelian ratios. This is because with a larger sample size, random variations in inheritance are more likely to be averaged out, leading to results that align more closely with the expected ratios.

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Q: The ratios of an F1 generation are more likely to match Mendelian predicted ratios if the F1 generation contains hundreds of thousands of indiviuals?
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Lunar and solar eclipses cannot be predicted with any accuracy?

This statement is inaccurate. Lunar and solar eclipses can be predicted with high accuracy using astronomical calculations and models. The timing and visibility of eclipses can be forecasted many years in advance.

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The tallest 10 year old girl is just shy of 6 foot, 5'11.7" tall and is predicted to be 7'0"

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Fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas, were formed over thousands of years from the remains of plants and other organisms. When these fossil fuels are burned, they release stored energy in the form of heat, which is used for electricity generation, transportation, and heating.

What was noteworthy about Asteroid strikes in Sudan in 2008?

The asteroid that struck Sudan in 2008 is significant because it was the first time an asteroid was detected and tracked before impact. It exploded above the Nubian desert and created thousands of meteorites, with the fragments providing valuable scientific information about the composition of such objects.

What steps did gregor mendel take to calculate his ratio in the f2 generation?

Gregor Mendel calculated his ratio in the F2 generation by observing and recording the traits of thousands of pea plants, then analyzing those results to determine the frequency of each trait. He then compared the actual ratios to the expected ratios based on his hypotheses about inheritance patterns to reach his conclusions about genetic inheritance.

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