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Exposure, Particle size, mineral composition, & climate.

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3mo ago

Variables that affect the rate of weathering include the type of rock and minerals present, climate conditions such as temperature and precipitation, the presence of living organisms, and human activities such as pollution and construction. Additionally, the slope of the land and the amount of vegetation can also play a role in weathering rates.

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14y ago

i think climate.....i'm not sure

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Q: Variables that affect the rate of weathering?
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The variables that most affect the weathering process are rock composition and what?

The variables that most affect the weathering process are rock composition and climate. Rock composition determines the susceptibility of a rock to weathering, while climate influences the rate and type of weathering that occurs, with factors such as temperature, precipitation, and vegetation playing key roles.

What factors affect the rate of mechanical weathering?

Factors that affect the rate of mechanical weathering include temperature fluctuations, presence of water, wind intensity, type of rock or mineral composition, and presence of vegetation or organisms that can contribute to physical breakdown of rocks.

Which is not a factor that affects the rate in weathering rocks?

There are not many factors which do not affect weathering in rocks.Two factors do not affect weathering are:Wind, sea and river erosion does not have any impact. No erosive processes cause weathering directly. Glaciers, however, may influence the climate of a region to the extent that more freeze-thaw weathering occursThe rock cycle does not affect weathering. This includes all actions and movements of rocks, though uplift and fault movement may cause more exposure to weathering, which may increase the rate of weathering

What is two factors that affect the rate of weathering?

Two factors that affect the rate of weathering are the type of rock or material being weathered and the climate of the region, such as temperature and moisture levels. Additionally, the presence of vegetation, human activities, and exposure to chemical agents can also influence the rate of weathering.

What is one factor that does not affect the rate of weathering of rocks?

The presence of human activity does not directly affect the rate of weathering of rocks. Weathering is primarily influenced by natural processes such as temperature fluctuations, water, wind, and chemical reactions.

Related questions

The variables that most affect the weathering process are rock composition and what?

The variables that most affect the weathering process are rock composition and climate. Rock composition determines the susceptibility of a rock to weathering, while climate influences the rate and type of weathering that occurs, with factors such as temperature, precipitation, and vegetation playing key roles.

What factors affect the rate weathering?

Some factors that affect the rate of weathering are the type of rock, the altitude and the climate.

How does the surface affect the rate of weathering?

more surface area= faster rate of weathering

How is surface related to weathering?

How does slope affect the rate of weathering

List several variables that affect the rate of weathering?

Several variables that affect the rate of weathering include temperature, precipitation, type of rock or mineral, vegetation cover, and human activities. Generally, higher temperatures and more rainfall can accelerate weathering processes, while certain types of rock or mineral are more susceptible to weathering than others. The presence or absence of vegetation cover can also influence the rate of weathering, as well as human activities that may introduce pollutants or alter natural processes.

How does the surface area of a rock affect the rate of weathering.?

The surface area of a rock has a big affect on the rate of weathering. The higher the surface area of the rock in proportion to its overall mass will result in a quicker rate of weathering of the rock.

How mechanical weathering can affect the rate of chemical weathering?

I dont know :d !!

How can mechanical weathering affect the rate of chemical weathering?

I dont know :d !!

What factors affects the rate of weathering?

Some factors that affect the rate of weathering are the type of rock, the altitude and the climate.

Which of theses factors affect the rate of weathering?


What factors affect the rate of mechanical weathering?

Factors that affect the rate of mechanical weathering include temperature fluctuations, presence of water, wind intensity, type of rock or mineral composition, and presence of vegetation or organisms that can contribute to physical breakdown of rocks.

How does the size of an expose rock affect it's rate of weathering?

it speeds up the weathering process