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Q: The process of moving layers of rock by way of heating and cooling is called?
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What is Process of moving layers of rock by heating and cooling?


Process of moving layers of rock by heating and cooling?

This process is known as thermal stress weathering. It occurs when rocks expand and contract due to temperature changes, causing the outer layers to crack and break off. Over time, this repeated cycle of heating and cooling can lead to the disintegration and movement of rock layers.

The process in which layers or sheets of rock gradually break off?

This process is called exfoliation or spalling. It occurs due to the release of pressure on rocks, leading to fractures and the subsequent detachment of outer layers. Over time, repeated cycles of heating and cooling can contribute to this geological phenomenon.

What is the process of moving layers of rock by heating and cooling?

The process is called thermal weathering or exfoliation. When rocks are heated by sunlight, they expand. As they cool down, they contract. This continual expansion and contraction can cause layers of rock to break off due to stress and strain, slowly leading to the erosion of the rock surface.

What is cooling and harming?

the process of earth and its sycophantic layers. i recommend it for a homework paper

What is the flaking of rocks due to temperature extremes called?

The flaking of rocks due to temperature extremes is called thermal stress weathering. This process occurs when rocks expand and contract due to heating and cooling, leading to the outer layers flaking off.

What is onion skin wheathering?

Onion-skin weathering is a geological process that mainly occurs in the deserts. The rock experiences stress on the outer layers because of the heating and expansion during the day and the cooling and contracting at night. this process is achieved through changes in temperature.

What is the process in which thick layers of sediment press down on the layers beneath them called?

the correct answer is compactioncompaction

What is the process called in which sedimentary rocks are in arranged in layers?


What is the process in which sediment is deposited in layers is called?

The process in which sediment is deposited in layers is called sedimentation. This occurs when particles settle out of a transporting medium, such as water or wind, and accumulate over time to form distinct layers of sediment.

What is the process in which thick layers of sediment press down on the layers beneath them is called?

its is suck dicb thv

What is the process of pressing sediments called?

The process of pressing sediments together to form solid rock is called compaction. It occurs when layers of sediment accumulate on top of each other, with the weight of the overlying layers causing the sediments to be pressed tightly together.