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Its Principal quantum no is 2

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The principal energy level that consists of one s orbital and three p orbitals has a quantum number of 2. The s orbital is part of the first principal energy level (n=1) and the p orbitals are part of the second principal energy level (n=2).

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Q: The principal energy level that consists of one s orbital and three p orbitals has a quantrum number of?
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What types of atomic orbital are in the third principal energy level?

The third principal energy level consists of s, p, and d atomic orbitals. Specifically, there are one 3s orbital, three 3p orbitals, and five 3d orbitals in the third principal energy level.

How many orbitals are contained in the third principal level n equals 3 of a given atom?

In the third principal level (n=3), there are a total of 3 sublevels: s, p, and d. This means there are 3 orbitals in the third principal level of the atom: one s orbital, three p orbitals, and five d orbitals, making a total of 9 orbitals.

What is the maximum number of dorbitals in a principal energy level?

1s orbital 3P, 5d, and 7f in discovered elements

What a maximum of eight electrons can occupy the first shell?

the first shell (the K shell) can only contain a maximum of two electrons, as it consists of just an s orbitalthe second shell (the L shell) can contain a maximum of eight electrons, as it consists of an s orbital and three p orbitalsthe third shell (the M shell) can contain a maximum of eighteen electrons, as it consists of an s orbital, three p orbitals, and five d orbitalsthe fourth shell (the N shell) can contain a maximum of thirty two electrons, as it consists of an s orbital, three p orbitals, five d orbitals, and seven f orbitalsthe fifth shell (the O shell) can contain a maximum of fifty electrons, as it consists of an s orbital, three p orbitals, five d orbitals, seven f orbitals, and nine g orbitalsetc.

What shell contains a total of 9 orbitals?

The shell that contains a total of 9 orbitals is the third shell. This shell consists of one 3s orbital, three 3p orbitals, and five 3d orbitals, which adds up to 9 orbitals in total.

Related questions

What types of atomic orbital are in the third principal energy level?

The third principal energy level consists of s, p, and d atomic orbitals. Specifically, there are one 3s orbital, three 3p orbitals, and five 3d orbitals in the third principal energy level.

How does a molecular orbital differ from an atomic orbital?

Molecular consists of multiple atomic orbitals

What is the orbital diagram for the third and fourth principal energy levels of vanadium?

The orbital diagram for the third principal energy level of vanadium consists of 3p, 4s, and 3d orbitals filled with electrons. For the fourth principal energy level, additional 4p and 4d orbitals are filled with electrons according to the Aufbau principle. The specific arrangement of electrons within these orbitals would depend on the total number of electrons in the vanadium atom.

A given set of p orbitals consists of how many orbitals?

A set of p orbitals consists of three orbitals. Each p orbital can hold a maximum of two electrons with opposite spins.

What types of atomic orbitals are in the second principal energy level?

An s orbital

What is the total number of electrons needed to completely fill all of the orbitals in an atoms second principal energy level?

The second principal energy level can hold a maximum of 8 electrons in total. This is because the second level consists of one s orbital and three p orbitals, which can hold 2 electrons each.

How many orbitals are contained in the third principal level n equals 3 of a given atom?

In the third principal level (n=3), there are a total of 3 sublevels: s, p, and d. This means there are 3 orbitals in the third principal level of the atom: one s orbital, three p orbitals, and five d orbitals, making a total of 9 orbitals.

What is the maximum number of dorbitals in a principal energy level?

1s orbital 3P, 5d, and 7f in discovered elements

How many orbitals exist in the fourth principal energy level what are they and in what periods can they be found?

In the fourth principal energy level, there are 16 orbitals. These consist of one 4s orbital, three 4p orbitals, five 4d orbitals, and seven 4f orbitals. These orbitals can be found in the fourth and subsequent periods of the periodic table.

Which types of orbitals are found in the principal energy level n 3?

In the principal energy level n = 3, there are s, p, and d orbitals. The s sublevel has 1 orbital, the p sublevel has 3 orbitals, and the d sublevel has 5 orbitals. These orbitals can hold up to a total of 18 electrons.

When do d orbital start getting filled?

after the s orbital of the next highest energy level

What a maximum of eight electrons can occupy the first shell?

the first shell (the K shell) can only contain a maximum of two electrons, as it consists of just an s orbitalthe second shell (the L shell) can contain a maximum of eight electrons, as it consists of an s orbital and three p orbitalsthe third shell (the M shell) can contain a maximum of eighteen electrons, as it consists of an s orbital, three p orbitals, and five d orbitalsthe fourth shell (the N shell) can contain a maximum of thirty two electrons, as it consists of an s orbital, three p orbitals, five d orbitals, and seven f orbitalsthe fifth shell (the O shell) can contain a maximum of fifty electrons, as it consists of an s orbital, three p orbitals, five d orbitals, seven f orbitals, and nine g orbitalsetc.