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When the -65mV resting potential is raised to around -40mV by incoming action potentials from connected nerves, sodium ion channels open, allowing these positive ions to enter the cell. The membrane potential quickly raises from -40mV to around +40mV. Sodium ion channels open in front of the charge (allowing the charge to move forwards) and Na+/K+ATPase (an ion channel that removes sodium ions from the axon and pumps in potassium ions) activation behind the charge dispels the charge behind the wave. This way the action potential is sent forwards as a single wave of positive charge.

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The point at which an impulse from one nerve cell is communicated to another nerve cell is called a synapse. This is where neurotransmitters are released from the presynaptic neuron, cross the synaptic cleft, and bind to receptors on the postsynaptic neuron, transmitting the signal.

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effector receptor

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Action potential.

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Synaptic cleft.

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Q: The point at which an impulse from one nerve cell is communicated to another nerve cell is what?
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What is the correct order that information passes through in a neuron?

The flow of information across nerve cells is called a nerve impulse in which the axons of the cell must depolarize, repolarize and go through a refractory period before reaching the resting potential. At this point, another impulse can occur.

What is the point at which a nerve impulse is sent from one nerve cell to another?

The point at which a nerve impulse is sent from one nerve cell to another is called a synapse. At the synapse, the electrical signal in the form of an action potential triggers the release of neurotransmitters from the presynaptic neuron, which then bind to receptors on the postsynaptic neuron to transmit the signal.

What is the amount of stimulation required to intiate a nerve impulse called?

The amount of stimulation required to initiate a nerve impulse is called the threshold potential. This is the minimum level of depolarization needed to trigger an action potential in a neuron.

What is the motor point of a nerve?

The motor point of a nerve is the location along the nerve where stimulation results in the most efficient muscle contraction. This point is usually located near where the nerve innervates the muscle and is commonly targeted in electromyography (EMG) and nerve conduction studies.

How does the all or none principle relate to the transmission of a nerve impulse?

The all-or-none principle in nerve physiology states that once a nerve impulse is triggered, it will propagate along the nerve fiber completely or not at all. This means that a stimulus must reach a certain threshold for an action potential to be generated and transmitted down the neuron. If the threshold is not met, no action potential will be produced.

Related questions

What is the correct order that information passes through in a neuron?

The flow of information across nerve cells is called a nerve impulse in which the axons of the cell must depolarize, repolarize and go through a refractory period before reaching the resting potential. At this point, another impulse can occur.

What direction does nerve impulse travel?

Along a nerve cell, the impulse travels from the axon to the dendrites and then again to the axons through the synapse.

What is the point at which a nerve impulse is sent from one nerve cell to another?

The point at which a nerve impulse is sent from one nerve cell to another is called a synapse. At the synapse, the electrical signal in the form of an action potential triggers the release of neurotransmitters from the presynaptic neuron, which then bind to receptors on the postsynaptic neuron to transmit the signal.

How is nerve impulse conducted along a myelinated nerve fiber?

Nerve impulses are conducted along myelinated nerve fibers by "jumping" between the gaps in the myelin sheath called Nodes of Ranvier. This process is known as saltatory conduction and allows for faster transmission of the nerve impulse compared to unmyelinated fibers.

How is an impulse transmitted between neurons?

The point at which two neurones meet is called the synapse. At this point there are 2 situations:1: there is no gap, the neurones are physically connected by gap-junctions. This is a rarer situation but does occur. In this case the nerve impulse continues down the second neurone (known as the post-synaptic nerve)2: there is a small gap (a few micrometers) between the cells. In this case the first nerve, carrying the impulse, (pre-synaptic) causes a release of a chemical known as a neurotransmitter. There are various types of neurotransmitters and each are involved in different situations. When the neurotransmitter reaches the 2nd nerve it binds to the membrane (in most situations) which either causes the cell to depolarize and continue the impulse, or causes hypo-polarization which prevents any other nerve stimulating it.Short and Simple Answer:Nerve impulse is transmitted by:- nerve impulse triggers transmitter substance- which diffuses across synapse- the transmitter substance binds with receptor molecule in membrane of next molecule

What does no response mean in an EMG test?

"No Response," or NR, generally occurs during the nerve conduction portion of an electrodiagnsotic examination (often called an EMG). When performing a nerve conduction study an electrical impulse is transmitted through a nerve and recorded at a point distant to that point of stimulation. Normally when this impulse is recorded as a waveform that is produced on the screen for the electromyographer to evaluate. An NR occurs when a waveform cannot be elicited with an electrical impulse. This finding suggests that the nerve being tested has suffered loss of function of some or all of its axons. This does not mean that the nerve being studied is completely dead, but it does suggest significant loss of function in that particular nerve. This "NR" finding may also may be the result of a technical error on the part of the electromyographer.

What is the amount of stimulation required to intiate a nerve impulse called?

The amount of stimulation required to initiate a nerve impulse is called the threshold potential. This is the minimum level of depolarization needed to trigger an action potential in a neuron.

Describe the pathway an impulse travels macroscopically through the nervous system from the brain to the muscle?

The NeuronThe cells that carry information through your nervous system are called neurons, or nerve cells. The message that a neuron carries is called a nerve impulse. The Structure of a Neuron:The structure of the neuron enables it to carry nerve impulses. A neuron has a large cell body that contains the nucleus, threadlike extensions called dendrites, and an axon. The dendrites carry impulses toward the neuron's cell body. The axon carries impulses away from the cell body. Nerve impulses begin in a dendrite, move toward the cell body, and then move down the axon. A neuron can have many dendrites, but it has only one axon. An axon, however, can have more than one tip, so the impulse can go to more than one other cell. Axons and dendrites are sometimes called nerve fibers. Nerve fibers are often arranged in parallel bundles covered with a connective tissue, something like a package of uncooked spaghetti wrapped in cellophane. A bundle of nerve fibers is called a nerve.Kinds of Neurons:Three kinds of neurons are found in the body-- sensory neurons, interneurons, and motor neurons.A sensory neuron picks up stimuli from the internal or external environment and converts each stimulus into a nerve impulse. The impulse travels along the sensory neuron until it reaches the interneuron, usually in the brain or spinal cord. An interneuron is a neuron that carries nerve impulses from one neuron to another. Some interneurons pass impulses from sensory neurons to motor neurons. A motor neuron sends an impulse to a muscle or gland, and the muscle or gland reacts in response.How a Nerve Impulse TravelsThe Synapse:What happens when a nerve impulse reaches the axon tip at the end of a neuron? At that point, the impulse can pass to the next structure. Sometimes the structure is a dendrite of another neuron. Other times, the structure is a muscle or a cell in another organ, such as a sweat gland. The junction where one neuron can transfer an impulse to another structure is called a synapse. (SIN aps). How an Impulse is Transferred:For a nerve impulse to be carried along at a synapse, it must cross the gap between the axon and the next structure. The axon tips release chemicals that carry the impulse across the gap.You can think of the gap at a synapse as a river, and an axon as a road that leads up to the riverbank. The nerve impulse is like a car traveling on the road. To get to the other side, the car has to cross the river. The car gets on a ferry boat, which carries it across the river. The chemicals that the axon tips release are like the ferry, carrying the nerve impulse across the gap.

What are the two main neurotransmitters in human brain?

The two main neurotransmitters in the human brain are glutamate, which is the primary excitatory neurotransmitter, and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which is the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter. Together, they work to balance and regulate brain activity.

What is the path a nerve impulse travels throughout your body from stimulus to response-?

from the point of the impulse to the brain through neuronsAcetylcholine- a neurotransmitter released at the neuromuscular junction triggers a muscle action potential, which leads to muscle contraction2000+words. A+ Answer. 100% Correct.Download the complete answer from following web

Nerve impulse consists of a wave of moving away from a point of stimulation?

Nerve impulses are electrical signals that travel along the length of a nerve cell. These signals are initiated by the movement of ions across the cell membrane, creating a wave of depolarization that propagates down the length of the nerve fiber. This depolarization causes the nerve cell to fire, transmitting the signal to other cells.

What does the medical abbreviation PMI mean?

Point Of Maximal ImpulsePoint of Maximum impulse or Point of Maximum Intensitypoint of maximal intensitypoint of maximal impulse