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Algae, specifically diatoms, are the plantlike protists with delicate shells that make up a large proportion of the phytoplankton in freshwater ecosystems. These organisms play a crucial role in aquatic food webs and are important for oxygen production and nutrient cycling in aquatic environments.

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Q: The plantlike protists with delicate shells that make up a large proportion of the phytoplankton in freshwater ecosystems are?
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What are plantlike protists called?

Plantlike protists are called algae. These organisms can be unicellular or multicellular, and they can photosynthesize like plants. Algae play a crucial role in aquatic ecosystems as primary producers.

How do plantlike protists amke much of the diversity os aquatic life possible?

Plantlike protists, such as algae, play a crucial role in aquatic ecosystems by serving as the base of the food chain. They are primary producers that convert sunlight into energy through photosynthesis, providing food and oxygen for a wide variety of aquatic organisms. Their diverse forms and functions contribute significantly to the overall biodiversity of aquatic ecosystems.

Do all plantlike protists have chloroplasts?

Plantlike protists are algae.They have chloroplast organells.

What helps tiny plantlike organisms grow at the surface of the ocean?

Tiny plantlike organisms at the ocean surface, such as phytoplankton, require sunlight, nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus, and water to grow. They photosynthesize using sunlight and take up nutrients dissolved in the seawater to support their growth. Temperature and currents also play a role in their distribution and growth.

In what ways are diatoms dinoflagellates and other plantlike protists similar to plants?

Diatoms, dinoflagellates, and other plantlike protists are similar to plants in that they photosynthesize, have chloroplasts, and are primary producers in aquatic ecosystems. They also play a crucial role in the carbon and oxygen cycles, contributing to the overall health of the environment.

Related questions

Why do phytoplankton live in sunlight zone?

Phytoplankton (small plants or plantlike organisms floating around in water) require the sunlight to perform photosynthesis.

What are plantlike protists called?

Plantlike protists are called algae. These organisms can be unicellular or multicellular, and they can photosynthesize like plants. Algae play a crucial role in aquatic ecosystems as primary producers.

What One-celled plantlike organisms that multiply rapidly?

Algae are one-celled plantlike organisms that can multiply rapidly through a process called photosynthesis. They are often found in freshwater or marine environments and play a crucial role in the ecosystem as a primary producer.

How do plantlike protists amke much of the diversity os aquatic life possible?

Plantlike protists, such as algae, play a crucial role in aquatic ecosystems by serving as the base of the food chain. They are primary producers that convert sunlight into energy through photosynthesis, providing food and oxygen for a wide variety of aquatic organisms. Their diverse forms and functions contribute significantly to the overall biodiversity of aquatic ecosystems.

What does algae include?

It is plantlike, which means that protists are plantlike.

Is Green Algae PlantLike or AminalLike?

It would be more plantlike because of the water it grow in. It would be more plantlike because of the water it grow in.

Do all plantlike protists have chloroplasts?

Plantlike protists are algae.They have chloroplast organells.

What helps tiny plantlike organisms grow at the surface of the ocean?

Tiny plantlike organisms at the ocean surface, such as phytoplankton, require sunlight, nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus, and water to grow. They photosynthesize using sunlight and take up nutrients dissolved in the seawater to support their growth. Temperature and currents also play a role in their distribution and growth.

In what ways are diatoms dinoflagellates and other plantlike protists similar to plants?

Diatoms, dinoflagellates, and other plantlike protists are similar to plants in that they photosynthesize, have chloroplasts, and are primary producers in aquatic ecosystems. They also play a crucial role in the carbon and oxygen cycles, contributing to the overall health of the environment.

Plantlike organisms that live on dead organic matter?

Fungi are plantlike organisms that live on dead organic matter. They obtain nutrients by secreting enzymes that break down organic material, allowing them to absorb the derived nutrients. Fungi play a crucial role in decomposition and nutrient recycling in ecosystems.

Why are so many other living things dependent on plantlike protists?

Because these plantlike protists make the basis of the food web.

Why fungi not considered as plantlike?

Basically they are not photosynthetic.