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It is an orbit.

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Q: The path that a body flows as it travels around another body in space is its what?
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What is the path that body follows as it travels around another body space is its?

Orbit is the path that a body follows as it travels around another body in space.

What is an object that travels around another object in space called?


An object that travels around another object in space is called an?

an satellite

The path of a body that travels around another body in space?

An orbit.

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What is the path that a body travels around another body in space?

Orbit is the path

The path that a body follows as it travels around another body in space is called?


What is an object that travels around another object in space?

An orbiting body is know as a satellite.

What is the motion of body that travels around another body in space?

The motion of a body that travels around another body in space is called orbiting or revolution. The body that is being orbited is typically much larger and exerts a gravitational force that keeps the orbiting body in motion around it. This motion follows a specific path determined by the balance between the gravitational force and the velocity of the orbiting body.

What is it called when an object that travels around another object in space is called what?

Orbit. Used both as a noun (the path that the object moves in), and a verb (the act of moving in an orbit).

What is an object that travels around an object in space?

An orbiting body is know as a satellite.

What is the difference between hyper drive and warp drive?

Warp drive has a powerfull engine that warps space around it and hyper drive travels through space in a streight line where as warp bends the fabric of space to travel from one destination to another