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multimeric groups of proteins in 4 complexes

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โˆ™ 12y ago
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โˆ™ 1mo ago

The parts labeled with roman numerals in the electron transport chain symbolize the different protein complexes where redox reactions occur to transfer electrons. Each complex plays a crucial role in passing electrons down the chain, ultimately generating ATP through chemiosmosis.

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Q: The parts of the figure in the electron transport chain labeled with roman numerals symbolize what concept?
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What is the electron fury?

There is no specific concept or phenomena known as "electron fury." It might be a term used metaphorically or in a specific context outside the traditional realm of electron behavior. If you provide more context, I can help clarify further.

Did Thompson come up with the electron cloud?

No, the concept of the electron cloud was proposed by Schrรถdinger and Heisenberg as part of the development of quantum mechanics in the early 20th century. J.J. Thomson, on the other hand, is known for his discovery of the electron and his plum pudding model of the atom.

What do you call the density of an electron cloud?

The density of an electron is its mass divided by its volume. The rest mass of an electron is approximately 9x10-31 kg. The size, however, is much more difficult to determine as an electron is not a rigid ball - instead it is more like a wave, with diffuse edges. An approximate accepted size for an electron is 5 × 10-13 m, giving a it volume of 5x10-37m3. These figures give a density for the electron of approximately 1700 tonnes/m3, a density that is 154 times that of lead

Difference between orbit and orbital?

axmed shOrbit is a concept from celestial mechanics and astronomy.Orbital is a concept from quantum mechanics, spectrometry, and chemistry.the circular path of rotation of electron around the nucleus is called an orbit . Whereas the region around the nucleus of an atom where probability of finding the electron is maximum is called orbital

How can you transfer electrons in a simple way?

Electron transfer (ET) occurs when an electron moves from an atom or a chemical species (e.g. a molecule) to another atom or chemical species. ET is a mechanistic description of the thermodynamic concept of redox, wherein the oxidation states of both reaction partners change.

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Who invented the electron?

Nobody "invented" the electron cloud. The concept was discovered by Werner Heisenberg in 1926.

The approximate distance an electron is located from the nucleus is measured by the?

The approximate distance an electron is located from the nucleus is measured by the concept of electron cloud or electron probability density. This concept is utilized in quantum mechanics to describe the distribution of the electron's probable locations within an atom.

Who started the roman numerals?

The Romans started them. Another contributor's answer: The concept of numerals for counting originated from the Etruscans who once ruled the Romans.

What is 0 in roman numerals?

The Romans did not have the concept of zero-- there is no Roman numeral for zero. This lack made it virtually impossible to do arithmetic with Roman numerals and that is why we use Arabic numerals nowadays.

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loss of electron in electronegativity ion

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The concept, I believe, is to transport people and goods by use of Air. This cuts out the traffic on roads, rail and water.

What do seaven spikes on the crown symbolize?

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From the story doing something is something what potential objection does quindle anticipate?

It's like a symbol that can symbolize a concept or a feeling.