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1mo ago

The organism Paramecium moves with the help of hair-like structures called cilia and has a rigid outer covering known as a pellicle. The pellicle provides support and protection to the cell membrane of the Paramecium.

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13y ago

a pellicle and moves using a cillia

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Q: The organism paramecium moves with and has a rigid outer covering known as?
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The organism paramecium moves with what?

The organism paramecium moves using hair-like structures called cilia that cover its entire body. The coordinated beating of these cilia allows the paramecium to propel itself through water by creating a flow of water around its body.

Which organism moves faster amoeba or paramecium and why?

Paramecium moves faster than amoeba because it has cilia, tiny hair-like structures that beat rapidly to propel the organism through the water. Amoeba, on the other hand, moves by extending its pseudopods, which is a slower form of movement compared to cilia.

What structure allow the paramecium to move?

Paramecium moves using hair-like structures called cilia. These cilia beat in a coordinated manner to propel the organism through its environment.

What is a protozoan with two nuclei that moves using cila?

Paramecium is a protozoan with two nuclei (macronucleus and micronucleus) and moves using cilia. Cilia are hair-like structures that beat back and forth to propel the organism through its aquatic environment.

What is the structure of motility in paramecium?

Paramecium moves using cilia, which are short hair-like structures covering its entire outer surface. The coordinated beating of these cilia propels it through the water in a characteristic spiraling motion. Paramecium can change direction and speed by adjusting the movement of its cilia.

What moves the fastest?


What is avoidance behavior in a paramecium?

Avoidance behavior in a paramecium is when the organism moves away from stimuli that may be harmful or unfavorable, such as a sudden increase in temperature or the presence of toxins in its environment. This movement helps the paramecium survive and thrive in its habitat by enabling it to escape potentially dangerous situations.

Structure that helps the paramecium move?

A paramecium moves using hair-like structures called cilia. Cilia beat in a coordinated fashion to propel the paramecium through its aquatic environment. The rhythmic beating of cilia allows the paramecium to move with precision and efficiency.

When a chemical is added to a microscope slide with a live paramecium the paramecium moves away from the chemical This movement is an example of?

Negative chemotaxis, which refers to the movement of an organism away from a chemical stimulus. In this case, the paramecium is exhibiting a negative response by moving away from the chemical added to the microscope slide.

What does Paramecium move with?

A paramecium moves with hair-like things on its body called cilia.

How does a paramecium move from one place to another?

A paramecium moves by using hair-like structures called cilia, which beat in a coordinated manner to propel the organism through water. It can change direction by altering the pattern of cilia movement. The movement of a paramecium is often described as being "graceful" due to its smooth and gliding motion.