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According to, Venus has an orbital velocity of 78,341 mph, and Neptune's is 12,253 mph...

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1mo ago

The orbital speed of Venus is around 35.0 km/s while the orbital speed of Neptune is approximately 5.4 km/s. Venus orbits much closer to the Sun than Neptune, leading to its higher orbital speed.

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What is Venus orbital speed?


What is the list of planets from fastest to slowest?

From fastest to slowest in terms of average orbital speed around the Sun: Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune

What is the average orbital speed of Neptune in km-sec?

The average orbital speed of Neptune is about 5.43 km/s.

What planets orbital speed is about 30 kilometers per second?

Mercury has an orbital speed of around 47.87 km/s, which is the closest to 30 km/s among the planets in our solar system.

What is the average orbital speed of the planet neptune?

5.43 km per second.

Which planets orbital speed is thirty kilometers per second?

The planet with an orbital speed of around 30 kilometers per second is Earth. Its average orbital speed around the Sun is approximately 29.78 kilometers per second.

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Venus has the fastest winds among the inner planets, with speeds reaching up to 224 miles per hour (360 kilometers per hour) in its upper atmosphere.

Slowest spinning planet?

Venus is the slowest planet with a rotational speed of 243 Earth days equaling one Venusian day.

Which planets are closest in orbital speed?

The orbital speeds are higher when closer to the sun, but slower and more similar as you move out. The two that are closest in speed are Uranus and Neptune. Uranus at 6.8352 km/sec and Neptune at 5.4778 km/sec.

Why does venus take 225 days to revolve around the sun and earth takes 365 days?

Because Venus has less distance to travel than the Earth and is travelling faster. With an orbital speed of 35.02 km/s and an orbital period of 224.70069 days gives an orbital distance of 679,883,169.35km The Earth has an orbital speed of 29.78 km/s (Slower than Venus) and an orbital period of 365.256 days gives an orbital distance of 939,800,765.95km

Which planet has the fastest wind speed?

Neptune's winds are the fastest in the solar system they go at a speed of 2000km/h. They are the fastest in our solar system and maybe even in the entire galaxy.

How are the speeds and orbit times of the planets affected by it?

As it increases, the orbital speed increases, and the period (time to complete an orbit) decreases, which is why Mercury has the shortest year, and Neptune the slowest orbital speed.