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Dissolve 90 g of glucose in a small volume of water, and then add more water until the total volume of the solution is 1 L.

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1mo ago

To make a 0.5 M solution of glucose, you need to dissolve 90 grams of glucose (180 g/mol * 0.5 mol/L = 90 g/L) in enough solvent to make the desired volume of solution.

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Q: The molecular mass of glucose C6H12O6 is 180 g To make a 0.5 M solution of glucose you should do what?
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How many grams of Glucose molecular formula C6O6H12 should you dissolve in 1 liter of water to get 1 molar solution?

To make a 1 molar solution of glucose (C6H12O6) in 1 liter of water, you would need to dissolve 180 grams of glucose. This is because the molar mass of glucose is 180 g/mol, so 1 mole of glucose weighs 180 grams.

How do you separate Glucose C6H12O6 from water?

Heat it to 100oC and boil the water. it should leave the glucose.

What is the molecular mass of glucose whose molecular formula is c6h12o6?

Well first you should determine the molecular mass of your glucose molecule, then you should divide the molecular mass of all the carbon by this, if I recall correctly. Should look something like (12X6) / ((6X12)+(12X1)+(6X16)) All multiplied by 100 to make it a percentage. Gives something like 40% which sounds like the right answer looking at the question.

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What is the weight of one mole of glucose?

One mole of glucose weighs about 180 grams. Molecular formula: C6H12O6. Very accurate molecular weight of one mole of glucose is 180.15768 when the naturally abundant isotopes of these atoms are present in the structure of one mole of glucose.

What substance is broken down during respiration?

Glucose, it breaks down carbohydrates into pyruvic acid and then extracts energy from the substances.

Does glucose have twice the amount of hydrogen as oxygen?

Yes, the amount of hydrogen atoms in glucose is 12, and the amount of oxygen atoms is 6, therefore, there are two times as many hydrogen atoms than oxygen atoms in a molecule of glucose. C6-H12-O6 is the formula.

What is 12 H20 6 CO2- 1 glucose molecule 6 O2?

It is the overall formula for photosynthesis, but the coefficient for H2O should be 6, not 12. 6H2O + 6CO2 --> C6H12O6 + 6O2

What is a molecular compound that dissolves in water but is not an electrolyte?

Yes. If a salt that was formed by reaction of a strong acid and a strong base is dissolved in water, the pH of the resulting solution should be neutral. An example might be NaCl, which is the salt formed from NaOH and HCl. A solution of NaCl would have a neutral pH.

How would you sterilize intravenous glucose saline solutions?

Intravenous glucose saline solutions can be sterilized through autoclaving, which involves exposing the solution to high temperature and pressure. Filtration using sterile filters or gamma irradiation are alternative methods of sterilization for these solutions.

Can glucose solution be autoclave?

Yes, glucose solutions can be autoclaved to sterilize them. However, it's important to note that high temperature and pressure during autoclaving can cause caramelization or degradation of the glucose solution, so care should be taken to prevent overheating.

Introduction of water and glucose D to infants?

Introduction may mean intravenous injection or forced feeding. But you don't seem to mean them. When you say water and glucose D, it becomes a solution. But why you should you introduce it? Simply feed the solution spoon by spoon. This will do no harm to your infant.