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Cycling of materials between organisms and their environment......

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1mo ago

The maintenance of a self-sustaining ecosystem requires a balance of energy flow, nutrient cycling, and biodiversity. This includes ensuring that all organisms have access to resources and that natural processes are able to function without disruption. Regular monitoring and interventions, if needed, are also important for keeping the ecosystem healthy and resilient.

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Q: The maintenance of a self sustaining ecosystem requires a?
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Which occurs within a self-sustaining ecosystem?

In a self-sustaining ecosystem, energy is continually recycled through processes like photosynthesis and decomposition, ensuring that organisms have the resources they need to survive. Biodiversity also plays a key role in self-sustaining ecosystems, as a variety of species help maintain balance and resilience within the system. Additionally, nutrient cycling is an essential component, as nutrients are continuously taken up by plants, consumed by animals, and returned to the environment through decomposition.

Is a self-sustaining biosphere possible?

Yes, a self-sustaining biosphere is theoretically possible through the practice of closed ecological systems. These systems are designed to mimic the Earth's natural processes and cycles, providing everything necessary for life to thrive within a closed environment. However, achieving a fully self-sustaining biosphere on a large scale is still a significant challenge and requires continuous monitoring and maintenance.

The end product of succssion is called?

The end product of succession is called a climax community. This is a stable and self-sustaining ecosystem that has reached a state of equilibrium with its environment.

What is the ecosystem like?

An ecosystem is a community of living organisms interacting with each other and their physical environment. It consists of both biotic (living) and abiotic (non-living) components that work together to form a balanced, self-sustaining system. Ecosystems can vary greatly in size and complexity, from a small pond to a vast rainforest.

What are the living things in the terrarium?

Common living things in a terrarium are plants, insects, and small animals such as snails, frogs, or geckos. These organisms help create a self-sustaining ecosystem within the terrarium.

Related questions

Why is a pond a self-sustaining unit while an aquarium may no be so?

A pond is a self-sustaining unit because it houses a balanced ecosystem, with plants providing oxygen, bacteria breaking down waste, and a variety of organisms contributing to nutrient recycling. In contrast, an aquarium may not be self-sustaining because it is confined and may lack the diversity and stability of a natural ecosystem, requiring regular maintenance like water changes and filtration to support its inhabitants.

What is the definition of terrarium?

A terrarium is a miniature garden typically enclosed in a transparent container such as a glass jar or bowl. It requires minimal maintenance and provides a self-sustaining ecosystem for plants to thrive inside.

What is the importance of a terrarium?

Terrariums are important because they create a self-sustaining ecosystem that requires minimal maintenance. They can improve indoor air quality, provide a calming effect, and serve as a beautiful piece of decor. Terrariums also allow you to bring a piece of nature into your home or workspace.

Could an AQUARIUMS considered an ecosystem?

Most folks only consider them a true ecosystem if they are self sustaining, which almost all aquariums are not.

Which occurs within a self-sustaining ecosystem?

In a self-sustaining ecosystem, energy is continually recycled through processes like photosynthesis and decomposition, ensuring that organisms have the resources they need to survive. Biodiversity also plays a key role in self-sustaining ecosystems, as a variety of species help maintain balance and resilience within the system. Additionally, nutrient cycling is an essential component, as nutrients are continuously taken up by plants, consumed by animals, and returned to the environment through decomposition.

What is the purpose of making terrarium?

The purpose of making a terrarium is to create a self-sustaining mini ecosystem within a glass container. It provides a low-maintenance way to bring nature indoors, adds a touch of greenery to your home or workspace, and can help reduce stress by providing a calming environment.

Why do you only water a terrarium once?

Once a terrarium is watered once, it becomes a self-sustaining system that requires little upkeep.

Is a self-sustaining biosphere possible?

Yes, a self-sustaining biosphere is theoretically possible through the practice of closed ecological systems. These systems are designed to mimic the Earth's natural processes and cycles, providing everything necessary for life to thrive within a closed environment. However, achieving a fully self-sustaining biosphere on a large scale is still a significant challenge and requires continuous monitoring and maintenance.

What is the self-sustaining speed of gas turbine?

self sustaining speed is output of a turbine= input into compressor

The end product of succssion is called?

The end product of succession is called a climax community. This is a stable and self-sustaining ecosystem that has reached a state of equilibrium with its environment.

What is the term for the ecosystem generally consisting of broadleaf evergreen trees that is found in wet trpoical areas such as the Amazon basin?

Ecosystem is a self sustaining uatura unit, consisting of all the living and non-living things in an area functioning together

Is this a closed or open ecosystem?

Without additional context, it is difficult to determine. Closed ecosystems are self-sustaining, with minimal exchange of matter with the external environment. Open ecosystems have exchange with the external environment.