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The membrane

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1mo ago

The larger the cell, the more trouble it has moving water and nutrients through the cell membrane. This is because as the cell size increases, the surface area to volume ratio decreases, making it harder for molecules to diffuse across the membrane efficiently.

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Q: The larger the cell the more trouble it has moving water and nutrients through the what?
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What do larger cells have trouble moving water and nutrients through?

the membrane

What compared to small cells large cells have more trouble?

Large cells have difficulty efficiently transporting nutrients and waste products due to their larger size, resulting in slower diffusion rates. They also struggle with maintaining a high surface area to volume ratio, which can impact their ability to exchange materials with the environment effectively. Additionally, large cells may face challenges in quickly responding to stimuli and regulating their internal environment due to logistical constraints related to their size.

Which process requires more energy from the plant moving water up through the xylem or moving nutrients down through the phloem?

Moving water up through the xylem requires more energy from the plant compared to moving nutrients down through the phloem. This is because water movement in the xylem involves overcoming gravity and transpiration, which requires energy to pull water from the roots to the leaves. Nutrient movement in the phloem, on the other hand, occurs through pressure flow and does not require as much energy expenditure from the plant.

Why would model B be better for moving nutrients in and out of the cell?

Model B may be better for moving nutrients in and out of the cell because it incorporates carrier proteins that can facilitate specific transport of nutrients across the membrane. These carrier proteins can selectively bind to certain nutrients and transport them across the membrane more efficiently than simple diffusion.

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The cell has more trouble moving enough nutrients & wastes across the cell membrane.

Which of te following is a function performed by a detrivore?

moving nutrients into the soil, it s a decomposer.

What transport mechanism is involved with moving blood?

Blood is transported through the body by the circulatory system. This system includes the heart, blood vessels (arteries, veins, and capillaries), and blood itself. The heart pumps blood through the vessels, delivering oxygen and nutrients to cells and removing waste products.

What cycle has nutrients moving through the biosphere?

The biogeochemical cycle involves the movement of nutrients like carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus through the biosphere. These cycles involve processes such as photosynthesis, respiration, decomposition, and nutrient uptake by plants and animals, ensuring that nutrients are recycled and available for various organisms in ecosystems.

What is a function preformed by a detrivore?

moving nutrients into the soil

What is function performed by a detrivore?

moving nutrients into the soil.

How do deep water currents affect the number of organisms found in the area by circulating nutrients?

BY moving the nutrients

What are to reasons why cells divide rather than continue to grow?

The larger the cell becomes the more trouble the cell has moving enough nutrients and wastes across the membrane because the membrane can't expand wide enough to fit the inside volume. Like on a balloon, you blow it up too big and it pops because the outer surface can't support the inside contents.