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Q: The greatest amount of chlorophyll is found in the of leaves?
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Where is chlorophyll found in plants cell structure?

Chlorophyll is found in it's leaves. The chlorophyll is present there to keep the leaves green.

Is it true that the chlorophyll is found in the leaves?

Yes, chlorophyll is only found in leaves as it is the only place where they are fully exposed to sunlight.

Is it true that chlorophyll is only found in the leaves?

Yes, chlorophyll is only found in leaves as it is the only place where they are fully exposed to sunlight.

What roll does chlorophyll play in photosynthesis and where is chlorophyll found?

Chlorophyll is found inside the leaves. Chlorophyll captures the sun's rays and converts them to food.

Where is chlorophyll found in the plant?

Chlorophyll is found in chloroplasts present in the leaves. Chlorophyll is a green color pigment that absorbs light energy for the process of photosynthesis.

What is a food substance found in leaves?

Chlorophyll is a food substance found in leaves which is vital for the process of photosynthesis where plants convert sunlight into energy.

What is the green pigment found in the leaves of green plants?


Do ferns contain chlorophyll-?

Chlorophyll makes the leaves in the plant green, since a fern is green, and has leaves, it contains chlorophyll. yes. all plants contain chlorophyll. it is found in the chloroplast of a plant cell, and is a pigment that reflects the color green.

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What types of pigment are usually found in all leaves extract?


Where can chlorophyll be found in a flowering plant?

It is about chloroplasts. It is happening inside the chloroplast.

Green material in plants leaves?

The green material or pigment found in plants is called chlorophyll. This material is found in the chloroplasts of a plant cell.