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Hayflick limit

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The genetically programmed time limit for cell replication is called the Hayflick limit. This limit represents the number of times a cell can divide before reaching senescence or cell death.

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Q: The genetically programmed time limit for cell replication to which each species is theoretically bound is called the what?
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Because every species (including humans) is genetically programmed to reproduce ! The only way for a species to reproduce is by the combining of male and female cells to create a zygote.

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Theoretically, when an organism has adapted perfectly to a completely static situation. Only such a situation doesn't exist in actuality.

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Because the species would die out if everyone stayed a baby. All multicellular organisms are genetically programmed to grow, mature, reproduce, age, and die. This is essential to the maintenance of the species generation to generation and for its evolution.

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Yes he can. The males of the vast majority of animal species are genetically programmed to breed with more than one female - thus dispersing his genetic material.

What does the term GM products mean?

GM = Genetically Modified. It means that the genes of the species have been modified, usually by introducing a gene from some other species.GM = Genetically Modified. It means that the genes of the species have been modified, usually by introducing a gene from some other species.GM = Genetically Modified. It means that the genes of the species have been modified, usually by introducing a gene from some other species.GM = Genetically Modified. It means that the genes of the species have been modified, usually by introducing a gene from some other species.

What is GMO in foods?

A GMO food is one that has been genetically modified by removing a gene from one species and forcing it into the seeds of another species in a lab.

What is genetically modified food and how is this process achieved?

Genetically modified foods are those that have been genetically engineered to insert a gene from one species (often a bacteria) into another species (corn, soy, etc). This is accomplished by cutting a target gene that will produce a desired trait from one species and artificially inserting it into the target plant.

How do prey species affect the adaptations of their predators?

The make the species more genetically diverse.-apex :D

How are foods genetically modified?

Generally, foods are genetically modified by taking a gene from one species and forcing into the cells of another species in a lab to produce a desired trait. This differs from hybridization in that it is transgenic (between species) and the gene is physically forced into the cells.

How is it that each species reproduces its own kinds?

It is genetically encoded and that is passed on to the offspring.