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The negatively charged particles in question are called electrons, and the flow of electrons is called electricity.

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The energy caused by the flow of particles with negative electrical charges is called electric energy. It is the movement of electrons through a conductor that creates an electric current, which can be harnessed for various applications.

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Q: The energy caused by the flow of particles with negative electrical charges is called?
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What are Negative charges that are dislodged by electrical force are called?

Negative charges that are dislodged by electrical force are called electrons. Electrons are subatomic particles that carry a negative charge and are responsible for generating electricity when they move through a conductor.

What type of energy is carried by moving negative charges?

That is the electric energy. It is called the electricity

What is the negative charge in an atom called?

The negative charge in an atom is called an electron. Electrons are subatomic particles that orbit the nucleus of an atom and are responsible for carrying electrical current and forming chemical bonds.

What are the particles which have a negative electical charge in an atom called?

A particle with a negative electrical charge is called an electron.

What is the energy produced by electrical charges called?

The energy produced by electrical charges is called electrical energy. This energy is generated when charged particles, such as electrons, move in response to an electric field. It can be harnessed to power various devices and systems.

What are Molecules that carry positive or negative electrical charges?

Molecules that carry positive or negative electrical charges are called ions. Positively charged ions are called cations, while negatively charged ions are called anions. Ions are formed when atoms gain or lose electrons.

What is the flow of electrical charges called?

The flow of electrical charges is called an electric current. This flow occurs when charged particles, typically electrons, move through a conductive material in response to an electric field.

What is an electrical force between non-moving charges called?

The electrical force between non-moving charges is called the electrostatic force. This force is responsible for the attraction or repulsion between charged particles at rest.

What do you call the build up of electrical charges in one place?

The build-up of electrical charges in one place is called static electricity. This occurs when there is an imbalance of positive and negative charges in an object or material, leading to the accumulation of charge.

The buildup of electrical charge on a material is called a?

The buildup of electrical charge on a material is called static electricity. It occurs when there is an imbalance of positive and negative charges on the surface of an object.

What is energy from separating charges called?

Energy from separating charges is called electrostatic potential energy. This energy arises from the interaction between charged particles and is stored in the system due to their positions.

Why is static electricity called static if it moves so much?

The attractive and repulsive forces between charged particles are there, whether the charged particles move or not. They do not depend on the movement of the charges. This is in contrast with other electrical phenomena, which only appear when there is a movement of charges.