Venus has an average distance from the Sun that is about 108% of Earth's distance. This makes Venus the planet closest to having a distance from the Sun that is 150% of Earth's distance.
The distance between the Sun and the Earth is 1 AU (149.597 m km / 93 m miles) whereas the distance between the Sun and Venus is at an average of 0.723 AU (108. 200 m km / 67.625 m miles). So it can be called 72% of the Sun-Earth distance.
The average distance from the Sun to Earth is about 93 million miles (150 million kilometers).
It decreases as the square of the distance.
The planet that is 1/10th of the distance from the sun as Uranus is Neptune. Neptune orbits the sun at a distance that is approximately 1/10th of the distance from the Sun to Uranus.
Mass, gravity, magnetic field, the moon, distance from the sun.
about 150 million Km.
no.Distance of the sun to earh it doesnt effect in anyway the earth.
the earh's tilt affects the seasons
the earh's tilt affects the seasons
the sun warms the Earth
The Earth rotates towards the East, which is why the East is towards the rising Sun.
The average distance from the sun to Mars is about 142 million miles, or 228 million kilometers. However, since both planets have elliptical orbits, this distance can vary depending on their positions in their respective orbits.
The ozone layer protects us from the harmful UV radiations of the sun. They are fatal for life on earh.
in the center
Varying from the the distance from the Earth to the Moon + the distance from the sun to the earth + the distance from mercury to the sun, to the distance from the earth to the sun - the distance from mercury to the sun - the distance from the earth to the moon