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1mo ago

The concentration of a solution of two or more liquids is expressed as a percentage by dividing the amount of solute by the total amount of solution (solute + solvent) and multiplying by 100.

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Q: The concentration of a solution of two or more liquids is expressed as a percentage by?
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How is the concentration of an acid expressed?

The determination of an liquids's pH is by the ratio of the volume of the liquid to the amount of hydrogen ions concentrated in the liquid

What can you find the pH of?

You can find the pH of a solution, which is a measure of its acidity or basicity. pH is determined by the concentration of hydrogen ions in the solution. Typically, you can measure the pH of liquids like water, juices, and chemical solutions.

H2O2 is usually expressed as a percentage Is this refering to percentage by mass or by volume?

Percentage values for liquids are almost always given in terms of mass (or weight, which amounts to the same thing) unless explicitly specified otherwise.

Does molarity depend on temperature?

Yes, the molarity of a solution can be temperature dependent. This is because temperature can affect the volume of the solution, particularly for liquids and gases, and this change in volume can impact the concentration of the solute in the solution. Therefore, when temperature changes, the molarity of the solution may also change.

What is mixture of liquids?

A solution

What distinguishes solution from non solution?

A solution is a homogeneous mixture of two or more liquids, only one phase. When another phase exist (for example solids, immiscible liquids) this is not a true solution.

Are all solution always liquids?


What is condution?

Conduction is the transfer of heat particles from a high concentration to a low concentration in solids, liquids and gases.

What is the volume of liquids most often expressed as?

Liters and milliliters are the units used most often to express the volume of liquids.

Can a solution be a liquid?

(Disregarding gases) All solutions are liquids but not all liquids are solutions.

Can a liquid be a solution?

(Disregarding gases) All solutions are liquids but not all liquids are solutions.

How do you calculate the concentration of a total volume?

It is a fraction of how much solid substance you put in divided by how much liquid you have, This is in the case of solids in liquids. For example a 5% solution has 5 grams per 100 ml