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Cameron Hirthe

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Q: The change in elevation from one contour line to the next is called the?
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What is the change in elevation from one contour line to the next is called?

The change in elevation from one contour line to the next is called the contour interval. It represents the difference in elevation between each contour line on a map.

What is the change in elevation from one contour line to the next called?

The change in elevation from one contour line to the next is called the contour interval. It represents the difference in elevation between two adjacent contour lines on a topographic map.

The change in elevation from one contour line to the next is called what?

The change in elevation from one contour line to the next is called the contour interval. It represents the difference in elevation between adjacent contour lines on a topographic map.

Size in the change of elevation from one contour line to another is what?

The size in the change of elevation from one contour line to another is called the contour interval. It represents the vertical distance between each contour line on a topographic map. The contour interval helps in understanding the slope and elevation changes of the terrain being represented.

What is the Change from one contour line to the next?

The difference in elevation between one contour line and the next is called relief. Hope this helped. ;)

If the contour interval is 10 meters then what is the change in elevation of each intermediate contour line represent?

Each intermediate contour line represents a change in elevation of 10 meters.

The elevation difference from one contour line to the next is called the?

contour interval

What is the elevation change between two adjacent lines on a map?

The elevation change between two adjacent contour lines on a topographic map is known as the contour interval. This interval represents the difference in elevation between each contour line. For example, if the contour interval is 50 feet, it means that each contour line represents a change in elevation of 50 feet.

What is the difference between a contour interval and an index contour?

A contour interval is the vertical distance between two contour lines on a map, representing the change in elevation. An index contour is a thicker contour line labeled with the elevation of the line above sea level, typically every fifth contour line. It helps users quickly identify elevation values on a map.

What does a contour line measure?

A contour line measures the elevation or altitude of the land surface. It connects points of equal elevation on a map, showing the shape and steepness of the terrain.

What information does a map's interval provide?

It provides the change on a contour line to the other(elevation change)

What are maps called that show elevation with lines showing each new leve of elevation?

Those maps are called topographic maps. They use contour lines to show the shape and elevation of the land surface. Each contour line represents a specific elevation above sea level.