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The attraction or repulsion that unlike or like charges have is due to the electrostatic force. Like charges (positive-positive or negative-negative) repel each other, while unlike charges (positive-negative) attract each other. This force is governed by Coulomb's law and is responsible for the interactions between charged particles.

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Q: The attraction or repulsion that unlike or like charges have?
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State the law of magnetic fraction and repulsion?

The law of magnetic attraction and repulsion states that like magnetic poles (north-north or south-south) repel each other, and unlike magnetic poles (north-south) attract each other. This principle explains how magnets interact and is fundamental in understanding magnetic behavior.

Does the attraction of unlike charge cause the spark of electricity as lightning?

Yes, lightning is caused by the attraction between positive and negative charges in the atmosphere. When the build-up of electrical charge in a storm cloud becomes strong enough, it overcomes the resistance of the air and creates a discharge in the form of lightning.

How is the strength of two magnetic poles related to the force between them?

The strength of two magnetic poles is directly proportional to the force between them. As the strength of the poles increases, the force of attraction or repulsion between them also increases. Conversely, if the strength of the poles decreases, the force between them will weaken.

When charges are separated on objects it is the?

When charges are separated on objects, it is called static electricity. It occurs when the positive and negative charges build up on different surfaces due to friction or contact, leading to an imbalance of charges. This can result in phenomena like sparks, lightning, or attraction/repulsion between objects.

Why are polar liquids always attracted towards the charged rod and not repelled?

Polar liquids are attracted to a charged rod because the rod's electric field induces a temporary separation of charges in the liquid, creating an attractive force. This attraction overcomes any repulsion that might occur due to like charges on the rod and liquid.

Related questions

What is attraction or repulsion of electric charges called?

Attraction or repulsion of electric charges is called electrostatic force. This force can either attract opposite charges together or repel like charges apart.

When does attraction or repulsion occur when unlike material brought near to each other?

Attraction occurs when unlike materials are brought near each other due to an imbalance of electrons. This results in a transfer of electrons between the materials causing them to attract each other. Repulsion occurs when the materials have the same charge and the like charges repel each other.

What is the law of forces for attraction and repulsion?

MagnestismThe Law of Attraction and Repulsion states that like charges repel each other, and unlike charges attract. For example, two positively charged objects would repel, whereas a positively charged object and a negatively charged object would attract.

The attraction or repulsion that unlike or llike charges has?

Like charges repel each other, while unlike charges attract each other. This fundamental force is known as the electrostatic force, which is responsible for the interaction between charged particles.

What are two rules for charged objects?

Like charges repel each other, and unlike charges attract each other. Charges redistribute themselves on conductive materials to minimize repulsion or maximize attraction between them.

Is a property of matter in which there is a force of attraction or repulsion between unlike or like poles?

The property you are referring to is magnetism, where there is a force of attraction or repulsion between unlike or like poles of magnets. Magnetism is caused by the alignment of the magnetic domains in the material.

State the law of magnetic fraction and repulsion?

The law of magnetic attraction and repulsion states that like magnetic poles (north-north or south-south) repel each other, and unlike magnetic poles (north-south) attract each other. This principle explains how magnets interact and is fundamental in understanding magnetic behavior.

What are the sign convention of attraction and repulsion?

In attraction, two objects are drawn towards each other due to a force of attraction, such as gravity or magnetism. In repulsion, two objects push away from each other due to a force of repulsion, such as like charges in electromagnetism.

What does the law of attraction and repulsion state?

The law of attraction and repulsion states that objects with opposite charges (positive and negative) attract each other, while objects with like charges repel each other. This principle is a fundamental concept in physics, particularly in the study of electromagnetism.

What is the In electricity is the attraction or repulsion between electric charges?

In electricity, the attraction or repulsion between electric charges is known as electrostatic force. This force is governed by Coulomb's Law, which describes how the force between two charges depends on their magnitudes and the distance between them. Positive charges attract negative charges, while like charges (positive-positive or negative-negative) repel each other.

When does attraction of repulsion occur when unlike material brought nearer to each other?

Attraction occurs when unlike materials are brought nearer to each other if one material becomes positively charged and the other becomes negatively charged, leading to an electrostatic attraction between them. Repulsion occurs if both materials acquire the same charge, either positive or negative, causing them to repel each other due to the principle that like charges repel.

How do unlike charges affect each other?

Similar charges will repel each other.