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A bowl-shaped area that forms around a volcano's central vent is called a crater.

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Q: The area that forms around a volcanoes central opening?
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What is the funnel shaped pit that forms around volcanoes central vent?

A caldera. A crater is what is formed when a large meteor(ite) strikes a planet.

How volcanoes form in the central valley of a divergent boundary?

Earthquakes occur along the faults, and volcanoes form where the magma reaches the surface. And from there it forms valleys.

What is the opening around which a volcano forms?

A volcanic vent.

How do volcanos form in the central valley of a divergent boundary?

Volcanoes in the central valley of a divergent boundary form due to the upwelling of magma from the asthenosphere, caused by the separation of tectonic plates. As the plates move apart, magma rises to the surface, creating volcanic activity. This process can lead to the formation of volcanic features such as shield volcanoes and rift valleys in the central valley.

What kind of plate boundary commonly forms a chain of volcanoes?

The Transform plate boundary commonly forms a chain of volcanoes - Professer Humifiken

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How can volcanoes create specific lands forms and geological events?

when a volcano erupts many geological take place on and around the volcano

What is an opening in the earth's crust through which volcanic materials pass to the earth's surface?

An opening in the Earth's crust through which volcanic materials pass to the surface is called a volcano. Volcanoes can manifest in different forms, such as shield volcanoes, stratovolcanoes, and cinder cone volcanoes, depending on the type of eruption and the materials involved. Volcanic activity can range from gentle lava flows to explosive eruptions, influenced by factors like magma composition and gas content.

What forms when volcanoes erupts and the lava cools?

the lave cools and forms igneous rock

What the Features of the earth surface?

well life forms, land-forms such as volcanoes and mountains.

What type of mountain forms from molten rock?


Are volcanoes land forms?

No they are craters made of rock