The Sahara Desert covers most of North Africa. The Sahara Desert is the largest subtropical hot desert and third largest desert in the world, after Antarctica and the Arctic.
The Sahara Desert covers 90 percent of the country of Libya. The Sahara Desert covers a large portion of northern Africa.
The Sahara desert covers most of the North Africa. It is the hottest desert in the world and is also the third largest desert, about the size of China or the United States.
the Continent of Africa
Estimates on the population of the Sahara Desert vary from between 2.5 million to 4 million people.Thousands of people live in the sahara but most are very poor and have diseases. they do not get much water or mendicine so they die
Snow in the Sahara is a rare and sporadic occurrence and usually covers only small areas for a short period of time. It is estimated that less than 1% of the Sahara Desert gets covered by snow during snowfall events.
No, a desert is not a landform. The Nubian Desert is a division of the much larger Sahara. It is a desert biome, not a landform. It does, however, contain a number of landforms.
The Sahara Desert covers most of Northern Africa.
The Sahara desert covers 75 percent of northern Africa. Some of the sediments of the desert are over four billion years old.
The Sahara Desert covers much of northern Africa.
The Sahara is the name of this huge desert.
the Continent of Africa
The Sahara covers almost all of the northern third of Africa.
The major deserts in Libya are the Libyan desert which is part of the Sahara desert.
The Sahara Desert covers much of Sudan.
The Sahara and the Gobi are both deserts. The Sahara is a hot desert that covers much of northern Africa and the Gobi is a desert in China and Mongolia.
The largest desert in the world is not in Africa, it is in Antarctica. The Sahara is the largest desert in Africa, however.
The largest desert in Africa is the Sahara Desert which covers much of the northern third of Africa.
The Sahara Desert covers most of North Africa, including several countries. It is not found in the United States.