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civil disobedience

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The Great Salt March was a nonviolent protest led by Mahatma Gandhi in 1930 against British salt monopoly in India. It was a significant event in India's struggle for independence and demonstrated the power of civil disobedience.

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Why is the great salt March an example of both civil disobedience and passive resistance?

The Salt March was a way for the protesting Indians to peacefully protest against the British government instead of fighting them. They wanted to try and be the better people by not fighting.

What march is lead by Gandhi?

The Great Salt March of 1930 was lead by Gandhi.

Example on abundance?

There are a great many things in the world that can be considered abundant. Salt water is a great example.

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What is an example of a saltwater lake?

The Great Salt Lake in Utah

What was the Salt March protesting?

The Salt March was a protest against the British monopoly in India on salt.

Was there kids doing the salt march?

No there was only men doing the salt march

How did the salt march begin?

Salt march begins when britishers took tax on salt and gandhi ji is against of this tax. He fight against this rule. Hence salt march begins.

Dandi March was launched by whom In which year?

The Salt March also known as the Dandi March or the Salt Satyagraha, began on 12th March 1930.

Why does the Great Salt Lake have salt when none of the other lakes do?

The Great Salt Lake, unlike other lakes, has no outlet. Any water flowing into the lake only leaves by evaporation. Over time, the minute traces of salt in the incoming water get concentrated. The Dead Sea is another example of this.

Where did the salt march take place?

the salt march took place from Sabarmati ashram to the village of Gujarat, Dandi

In which nation did the salt march take place?

Saudi Arabia