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outer core of the Earth, where the movement of liquid iron generates electric currents. These electric currents create a magnetic field that extends around the Earth, serving as a protective shield from solar radiation and cosmic rays. The magnetic field also plays a crucial role in guiding compasses and helping birds and other animals with navigation.

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Q: The Earth's magnetic field is generated by the dynamo effect in the?
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Jupiter has a magnetic field caused by?

The dynamo effect.

Does Mercury have a magnetic field?

Yes, Mercury does have a magnetic field, although it is much weaker than Earth's. Scientists believe that Mercury's magnetic field is generated by a dynamo effect in its iron core, similar to Earth's mechanism, but due to the planet's smaller size, the field is about 1% as strong as Earth's.

Why does mercury have a strong magnetic field?

Mercury's strong magnetic field is believed to be generated by a liquid iron core that undergoes slow rotation, creating a dynamo effect. This process generates a magnetic field that is proportionally stronger relative to the planet's size compared to other planets in the solar system.

How does a solar storm and solar flare affect earth?

Magnetic Storms have a severe affect on our technological and electrical infrastructure, both in space and on the ground. Usually Earth's magnetic field, generated by the dynamo under earth's lithosphere, protects us from magnetic disturbances, but severe magnetic storms have in the past knocked out power grids in the entire province of Quebec. Magnetic Storms would have a severe effect, and would likely, en masse, shut down large amounts of current human grids and technological infrastructure, as concluded by the National Academy of Sciences.

Why Mars today lacks a global magnetic field like that of Earth?

Mars lacks a global magnetic field because its core is mostly solid. Earth's magnetic field is generated by the movement of molten iron in its outer core, creating a dynamo effect. Without this liquid motion in its core, Mars does not have a strong magnetic field to protect its atmosphere from solar wind erosion.

Related questions

What causes the earths magntic fied?

Dynamo Effect

Jupiter has a magnetic field caused by?

The dynamo effect.

What causes Jupiter's magnetic field?

Jupiter's magnetic field is caused by the flow of electrically conducting material in its metallic hydrogen layer. As Jupiter rotates, this material generates a magnetic field. The combination of the planet's rotation and its metallic hydrogen layer results in its strong magnetic field.

What is major cause of the earths magnetic field?

The field is generated by earth's large iron core.

How can somethings magnetic field like a tokamak not affect the earths magnetic field?

Because it is far too small to have any effect. The Earth's magnetic field is thought to be generated thousands of miles underground by moving rivers of iron.

Why does the earth have a magnetic field when some planets don't?

The Earth's magnetic field is generated by a process called the dynamo effect, which is driven by the movement of molten iron and nickel in its outer core. Not all planets have the necessary conditions, such as a molten core and sufficient rotation, to generate a magnetic field.

What occurs when a rapidly rotating conductor is stirred by convection to produce a magnetic field?

When a rapidly rotating conductor is stirred by convection, it generates a phenomenon known as a dynamo effect. This effect causes the motion of the conductor to induce electric currents, which in turn create a magnetic field. The resulting magnetic field can enhance the overall magnetic properties of the system.

Where does earth's magnetic field come from and how does it protect earth from solarwinds?

Earth's magnetic field is generated by the churning of molten iron in the outer core of the Earth. This generates a magnetic dynamo effect. The magnetic field acts as a shield against solar wind by deflecting charged particles from the sun, preventing them from stripping away Earth's atmosphere.

What effect does magnetic variation have on the earths orientation?

Magnetic variation affects the angle between true north and magnetic north, resulting in differences in the Earth's orientation for navigation and mapping purposes. This variation can impact the accuracy of compass readings and navigational systems that rely on magnetic north.

Does Mercury have a magnetic field?

Yes, Mercury does have a magnetic field, although it is much weaker than Earth's. Scientists believe that Mercury's magnetic field is generated by a dynamo effect in its iron core, similar to Earth's mechanism, but due to the planet's smaller size, the field is about 1% as strong as Earth's.

What is another word for earths magnetic field?

= An effect of the magnetic field is "Van Allen radiation belt" =

How does a solar storm and solar flare affect earth?

Magnetic Storms have a severe affect on our technological and electrical infrastructure, both in space and on the ground. Usually Earth's magnetic field, generated by the dynamo under earth's lithosphere, protects us from magnetic disturbances, but severe magnetic storms have in the past knocked out power grids in the entire province of Quebec. Magnetic Storms would have a severe effect, and would likely, en masse, shut down large amounts of current human grids and technological infrastructure, as concluded by the National Academy of Sciences.