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An electron chemical gradient - Ie, the Proton or H+ gradient. There is a concentration difference in H+ ions, and a charge difference between the two sides of the mitochondrial membrane that the ATP synthase is embedded in. Thuse you can consider the H+ ions "under pressure" (layman's term), and they provide the power for the ATP synthase to work, as they flow through it.

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1mo ago

The ATP synthase in a human cell gets energy from the flow of protons (H+) across the inner mitochondrial membrane. This proton gradient is established during oxidative phosphorylation as electrons are transported along the electron transport chain, creating a potential difference that drives the synthesis of ATP by ATP synthase.

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10y ago

ATP is formulated during the Krebs's, or citric acid cycle within a mitochondrian. The energy from elections stripped from a glucose molecule are used to attach a phosphate atom to ADP using a high energy bond forming ATP,

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Q: The ATP synthase in a human cell gets energy fro making ATP directly from where?
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