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Q: The AB blood group is an example of what type of dominance?
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Can a negative blood type and a positive blood type parent a negative blood type child?

Yes, it is possible for a negative blood type parent and a positive blood type parent to have a negative blood type child. This can occur if the positive parent is heterozygous for the Rh factor gene, allowing for the possibility of passing on a negative Rh factor to the child.

When one allele does not mask the other and both show AB blood type?

This is an example of codominance, where neither allele is dominant or recessive. In the case of A and B blood type alleles, they both express themselves fully, resulting in AB blood type.

What is expressing both alleles for a gene are equally expressed as in human blood type?

This is called co-dominance. This is when 2 or more alleles are expressed at the same time. In other words they both affect the phenotype. In the example of human blood ABO type we have an allele for A = IA, B= Ib O=iIAIb = AB blood typeIbIb = B blood typeIai = AIaIa = A bloody typeIbi = B blood typeii = O blood type

Can your sisters be o blood group and yourself b blood group?

Yes, you can have a sister with blood type O and you can be blood type B. This can happen if you have one parent with type AB or B blood, and other parent with type O or B blood.

What determines what blood group can be given to what blood group?

Blood group compatibility is determined by the presence of specific antigens on red blood cells. For example, people with blood type O are universal donors because they do not have A or B antigens. In contrast, people with blood type AB are universal recipients because they do not have antibodies against A or B antigens. Matching blood types helps prevent adverse immune reactions in transfusion recipients.

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Is blood type an example of polygenic inheritance?

It is co dominance (AB)

In humans blood type inhenitance is an examle of?

It can be an example of co-dominance, a seen in people with type AB blood.

What does co dominance mean?

Co-dominance happens when two genotypes are expressed at the same time. For example, one parent can have blood type A and one parent can have blood type B and together produce a child with blood type AB. If two parents have the blood type AB, the child has a chance of being mentally ill.

What are some examples of codominance in living organisms?

A classic example of codominance is seen in blood type inheritance in humans, where the AB blood type is codominant over the A and B blood types. Another example is in chickens, where the mixed feather color in a heterozygous individual shows codominance between black and white feathers.

Which blood type is inherited by incomplete dominance?


Can a negative blood type and a positive blood type parent a negative blood type child?

Yes, it is possible for a negative blood type parent and a positive blood type parent to have a negative blood type child. This can occur if the positive parent is heterozygous for the Rh factor gene, allowing for the possibility of passing on a negative Rh factor to the child.

When one allele does not mask the other and both show AB blood type?

This is an example of codominance, where neither allele is dominant or recessive. In the case of A and B blood type alleles, they both express themselves fully, resulting in AB blood type.

Which blood type is inherited by codominance explain answer?

The AB blood type is inherited by codominance. In this case, both the A and B alleles are expressed fully in the phenotype, resulting in the AB blood type. This is different from other blood types like A or B, where one allele is dominant over the other.

What is expressed when both alleles for a gene are equally expressed as in human blood type?

This is called co-dominance. This is when 2 or more alleles are expressed at the same time. In other words they both affect the phenotype. In the example of human blood ABO type we have an allele for A = IA, B= Ib O=iIAIb = AB blood typeIbIb = B blood typeIai = AIaIa = A bloody typeIbi = B blood typeii = O blood type

What is the clumping of red blood cells called?

it occur due to mismatch of blood. if recipient is denoted wrong type of blood group for example if a recipient have blood group a if he or she have donated blood group b they the anti antigen A present in blood group b will destroy the blood group A this is called clumping of blood.

In humans blood type inheritance is an example of?

Inheritance of blood type in humans follows Mendelian inheritance, where the ABO blood type is determined by multiple alleles (A, B, O) with co-dominance and/or recessive relationships. Each person inherits one allele from each parent, resulting in four potential blood types (A, B, AB, O).

People of which blood group can safely donate blood to any other blood groups?

Blood group O This blood type has neither 'A' or 'B' antigens in it and can be given safely to anyone (even if, for example, if they are A positive).