

Best Answer

Minneapolis, MN at 93 degrees west

Ruma, Serbia at 20 degrees east

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Q: The 45 degree north latitude halfway between the equator and the north pole name two cities at that latitude what is the longitude of each city?
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Is the equator located at 0 longitude 0 latitude 180 longitude?

The equator is located at 0 degrees latitude and does not have a fixed longitude. It circles the Earth halfway between the North and South poles.

What is an imaginary line running halfway between the north pole and south pole this line is located at 0 degrees longitude?

The imaginary line at zero degrees longitude is the Prime Meridian. The imaginary line halfway between the poles is the Equator. The Equator is zero degrees latitude.

Latitude is measured north and south from the?

Equator. It is the imaginary line that circles Earth halfway between the North and South Poles. The Equator is at 0 degrees latitude.

What latitude falls halfway in between the tropic of Capricorn and cancer?

The Equator

What would be the line of longitude for a place that is halfway between the prime meridian and the 180 line of longitude?


What line of latitude falls halfway between tropics of capricorn and cancer?

That would be the equator, at zero latitude.

What line of latitude falls halfway in between the tropics of Capricorn and cancer?

The equator

What is the latitude of a place that is halfway between the equator and the north pole?

45o North.

In terms of absolute location where is the equator?


What is the latitude of an observer at the equator?

The latitude of an observer at the equator is 0 degrees. The equator is an imaginary line that circles the Earth halfway between the North and South Poles, and it represents 0 degrees latitude.

What latitude line is halfway between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn?

Yes. The South Pole is at 90 degrees S latitude. The North Pole is at 90 degrees N latitude. The Equator is at 0 degrees latitude.

What imaginary line is halfway between the north and south poles?

The Equator is the imaginary line halfway between the North and South Poles and is at zero degrees latitude. It divides the Earth into North and South Hemispheres and is equidistant from the North Pole and South Pole. The Sun appears directly above the Equator at the Autumn and Spring equinox.The equator.the equator.