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Q: Tell what each of the following discovered or developed. Charles Darwin. Gregor Mendel. Marie and Pierre Curie?
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Who was the discoverer of the theory of natural selection?

Charles Darwin is credited as the discoverer of the theory of natural selection. Darwin's work on evolution through natural selection was presented in his book "On the Origin of Species," published in 1859.

Alfred Russell Wallace proposed the same major theory as what scientist?

Charles Darwin. Wallace independently developed the theory of natural selection, which he presented jointly with Darwin in 1858.

Tell what each what discovered or developed. Charles Darwin. Gregor Mendel. Marie and Pierre Curie.?

Charles Darwin is known for discovering the theory of evolution through natural selection. Gregor Mendel is known for developing the principles of heredity, now known as Mendelian genetics. Marie and Pierre Curie are known for their discovery of the elements polonium and radium, as well as their pioneering research on radioactivity.

Who is the independently comes to same conclusion as Charles Darwin in his theory of evolution?

Alfred Russel Wallace independently developed a similar theory of evolution by natural selection to Charles Darwin. Both men presented their ideas together in a joint publication in 1858. Darwin's seminal work, "On the Origin of Species," was published a year later in 1859.

Foreign scientist who have contributed to botany?

Gregor Mendel, a Czech scientist known for his work on pea plants and the principles of inheritance. Marie Curie, a Polish scientist who discovered the chemical elements polonium and radium. Charles Darwin, a British scientist who developed the theory of evolution through natural selection.

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Charles Darwin discovered evolution

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Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel discovered /invented natural selection.

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What did Charles Darwin do to change the world?

Discovered Natural Selection

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Charles. Darwin

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Charles Darwin

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Charles Darwin