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Q: Stress is defined as a physical chemical emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension true or false?
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Is surface tension a physical or chemical property?

Surface tension is a physical property of liquids that arises due to the cohesion of water molecules at the surface. It is related to the forces between molecules and is not a result of chemical reactions.

What happens when you have a orgazam?

Orgasm is the peak of sexual arousal and pleasure, typically accompanied by rhythmic contractions of the pelvic muscles and release of tension. It can result in intense physical and emotional sensations.

If someone is being somatic what does that mean?

If someone is being somatic, it means they are experiencing physical symptoms related to stress or emotional issues. These physical symptoms can manifest as headaches, stomachaches, or muscle tension, among others. It is important for individuals experiencing somatic symptoms to address the underlying emotional causes through therapy or other forms of support.

What is stressor?

A stressor is any event, situation, or condition that triggers a stress response in an individual. Stressors can be physical, emotional, or environmental and can vary in intensity and duration. Common stressors include work pressures, relationship conflicts, and financial difficulties.

Which physical phenomenon is attributed to tendency of a liquid drop to assume spherical shape?

Surface tension is the physical phenomenon that causes a liquid drop to assume a spherical shape. This is because a spherical shape minimizes the surface area of the drop, thereby reducing surface tension energy.

Related questions

Is stress defined as a physical chemical emotional factor that cause bodily or mental tension?

Yes, stress is typically defined as a response to physical, mental, or emotional factors that disrupt the body's balance. It can manifest as tension, both bodily and mentally, and be triggered by various stimuli.

What is emotional tension?

Emotional tension is stress

Is surface tension a physical or chemical property?

Surface tension is a physical property of liquids that arises due to the cohesion of water molecules at the surface. It is related to the forces between molecules and is not a result of chemical reactions.

Stress is best described as?

Mental, emotional, physical strain and tension Definition :- stress is defined as internal elastic restoring force per cross sectional unit cross-sectional area of a body.

Is tensile a chemical or physical property?

Tensile strength is a physical property that describes the ability of a material to resist breaking under tension. It is not a chemical property, as it is related to the physical behavior of the material when force is applied to it.

What are physical and emotional problems experienced by some women shorty before menstruation known as?

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) (also called PMT or premenstrual tension)

What is the noun form of tense?

The noun form of "tense" is "tension." It refers to a state of mental or emotional strain or pressure, or to the physical sensation caused by stress or anxiety.

Which phrase best defines stress?

Stress is a physical or emotional response to a demand or pressure that exceeds one's ability to cope, leading to feelings of tension and unease.

What is the moment of greatest emotional tension in a story called?

The climax of a story is the moment of greatest emotional tension where the conflict reaches its peak and the outcome is decided.

What is emotional release?

Emotional release refers to the process of experiencing and expressing pent-up emotions in a healthy way. This can involve crying, talking about feelings, journaling, or engaging in physical activities to release emotional tension. Emotional release is important for mental and emotional well-being and can help individuals process and move through difficult emotions.

What is range of physical reactions to stress?

Stress is a physical or psychological stimulus that can produce mental tension or reaction that may lead to illness. The range is wide. Already mentioned, mental, emotional, physical strain or tension. Add to this hardship, adversity and oppression, injury and annoyance. Anything that can disturb the body's normal state of functioning

What happens when you have a orgazam?

Orgasm is the peak of sexual arousal and pleasure, typically accompanied by rhythmic contractions of the pelvic muscles and release of tension. It can result in intense physical and emotional sensations.