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Q: Storing a propane tank directly underneath a barbecue on a wooden deck how is it dangerous?
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Yes, according to the FDA: it is as lethal as cocaine, methamphetamine, and ecstasy combined. Mixing it with another nut can cause death. Have fun.

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Properly Store Your Propane Barbecue Grill ?

The use of a propane barbecue grill in the yard or patio is a popular all-American activity. Problems can ensue when the weather turns because moisture from both rain and snow can ruin the propane tank. Make sure that your grill is never exposed to the elements, as a rusty cylinder is generally not refillable. Also avoid storing the grill in a non-ventilated area, such as a garage, to prevent a fire hazard.

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Herbert Storing died in 1977.

When was Herbert Storing born?

Herbert Storing was born in 1928.

Why shouldn't store toxic?

Storing anything that is toxic can be dangerous. We store toxic chemicals every single day, though. Cleaning supplies, laundry detergent, and so on. It is important to know the toxicity of these things.

Can toilet paper tubes be dangerous to hamsters?

No they can't. Although often they might chew them up and seem like they are eating them, they are really just storing it in their cheek pouches to use later to make a bedding.

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No, the catacombs are primarily used for storing bones and have strict regulations against burial of living individuals. Additionally, it is illegal and dangerous to enter the catacombs without proper authorization and supervision.

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I know nothing at all about storing cherries.