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The sudden eruption of a volcano filled the sky with ash and smoke, causing widespread chaos and devastation in the surrounding area.

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Q: Statement describing but not explaining a natural event or phenomenon?
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What is a statement that consistently and correctly explains a natural phenomenon?

scientific law

A statement that consistently and correctly describes some natural phenomenon is a scientific?

A statement that consistently and correctly describes a natural phenomenon based on evidence and experimentation is a scientific theory. It is a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, supported by a vast body of evidence and is subject to testing and refinement through observation and experimentation.

Is Star Wars a myth?

No, the definition a Myth is that of a traditional story concerning the early history of a people or explaining natural or a social phenomenon & typically involving supernatural beings or events.

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A scientific law is a term used in science to describe a statement about a natural phenomenon that has been observed to occur consistently under certain conditions. Scientific laws describe what happens in nature without explaining why it happens.

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No, cloud seeding is a method used to enhance precipitation in clouds, not steal rain. It involves dispersing substances into the air to encourage cloud droplets to form and fall as precipitation. Cloud seeding is a way to potentially increase rainfall in certain areas, but it does not take away rain from other areas.

What is a myth story?

A myth is a traditional story concerning the early history of a people or explaining some natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events. Eg, the heroes of Greek myth.

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What is the fastest known natural phenomenon?

Light, which travels at ~186,000 miles/second is the fastest known natural phenomenon.

What is the difference a scientific theory and a scientific law?

A scientific theory is an explanation of some natural phenomenon. A scientific law is a succinct statement of some aspect of a scientific theory.

What is the difference a scientific theory and scientific law?

A scientific theory is an explanation of some natural phenomenon. A scientific law is a succinct statement of some aspect of a scientific theory.

Is a tornado natural or human?

A tornado is a natural weather phenomenon caused by a combination of atmospheric conditions such as warm, moist air colliding with cold, dry air. While human activities can influence weather patterns, tornadoes themselves are not caused by human actions.

How do you use the word phenomenon in a sentence?

The grand canyon is considered to be a natural phenomenon