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Q: State the typical ratio of traits in mendels first experiments?
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What is The state or fact of being normal?

The state of being normal refers to conforming to a standard or typical pattern, behavior, or characteristic that is considered common or expected in a given context. It implies a lack of deviation from what is considered typical or average within a particular group or society.

What controls traits in the organism?

In an organism traits are controlled by its genes which are present in choromosomes i.e, of sequence of DNA. These genes are found in two form i.e. either in dominant or in ressessive state for e.g. if we talk about gene of height then if the gene is dominant the individual will be having tall height and if the gene is in ressessive state then he will be short in height

The difference between a dominate and a recessive trait is?

A dominant trait is expressed when an individual has one or two copies of the dominant allele, while a recessive trait is only expressed when an individual has two copies of the recessive allele. Dominant traits mask the expression of recessive traits in heterozygous individuals.

What is Typical and non typical transition element?

Typical transition elements belong to groups 3 to 12 on the periodic table and include elements like iron, copper, and silver. Non-typical transition elements are those elements that do not strictly follow the typical properties of transition elements, such as the lanthanides and actinides. These elements are considered non-typical due to their electron configurations and properties that differ from the rest of the transition elements.

State two chemical properties apart from their effect on indicators which are typical of a dilute aqueous acid and a dilute aqueous alkali?

not sure, someone please help me

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The key traits of a totalitarian state are Ideology, Dynamic Leader, State control of individuals, Methods of Inforcement, Modern Technology, State Control of Society, Dictatorship, and One-party rule.

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Temperature would be the typical answer.

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People of common traits with the ability to govern

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Darmstadtium is a metal, probable similar to platinum; experiments are not possible today.

A typical solar granule is about the size of?

A typical solar granule is about the size of a small state, such as Texas, on Earth. They are roughly 1000 kilometers in diameter and form the visible surface of the Sun.

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Describe the levels of a typical state court system?

Circuit Court - Court of Appeals - State Supreme Court.