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It depends on the chemical reating to the source, if it has a major reaction to water it will go faster.

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1mo ago

Using a catalyst can help speed up a chemical reaction by providing an alternative pathway with lower activation energy. This allows the reaction to proceed faster without being consumed in the process.

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Why stir during titration test?

Stirring during titration helps to ensure that the reactants are thoroughly mixed, resulting in a more accurate and uniform reaction. This helps in achieving a sharp endpoint and accurate results in the titration test.

What happens when you stir a chemical reaction?

Stirring a chemical reaction helps to speed up the reaction by mixing the reactants more efficiently. This increases the chances of successful collisions between reactant molecules, leading to a faster reaction rate and potentially a higher yield of products.

What are the importance of putting a chemical equation into words?

Putting a chemical equation into words helps to describe the reactants, products, and the chemical reaction that is occurring. It allows for easier communication of the reaction process and helps in understanding the stoichiometry involved. Additionally, writing chemical equations in words helps to identify the type of reaction taking place.

What is a substance that helps chemical reactions?

A substance that helps chemical reactions is called a catalyst. It speeds up the rate of a reaction by providing an alternative pathway with lower activation energy. Catalysts are not consumed in the reaction and can be used repeatedly.

What are enzyme's and what is the function of enzymes?

An enzyme is not a chemical, it is a protein that catalyzes reactions (makes reactions happen faster). An enzyme is a chemical in the body. It is capable of speeding up the body's chemical reaction to something. An example would be amylaze. Amylaze helps out with the digestive system. Amylaze is in your saliva, and when food goes in your mouth, it breaks starch down into simple sugar, since sugar goes into the cells more easily. Hope this helps, and good luck!!!! ♥♥♥, pinkcheerleader8

How an enzyme helps to speed up chemical reaction?

by lowering the activation energy

Why was it necessary to heat the text tube in order for a chemical reaction to occur?

Heating the test tube provides the reactant molecules with more kinetic energy, increasing the likelihood of successful collisions that lead to a reaction. This helps break bonds and activate reactants, allowing the reaction to happen at a faster rate.

Type of reaction involving a chemical change?

A chemical change is involved in a chemical reaction. This type of reaction involves the formation of new substances with different chemical properties compared to the reactants. This process can involve the breaking and forming of chemical bonds.

Is making crisps with potatoes and cooking oil a reversible change?

This is an irreversible change as any cooked food cannot be returned to an uncooked state. This makes it a chemical reaction/change. Hope this helps, Kind regards, sasjade