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Foods that taste better with high viscosity include creamy soups and custard, as the thicker texture enhances their rich flavor. Foods that taste better with low viscosity include juicy fruits like watermelon and Oranges, as their natural juiciness is more refreshing and enjoyable when not thickened.

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Q: Some foods taste better if their Viscosity is high others taste better if their Viscosity is relatively lowname two foods that you would place in each category?
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How does the attraction between molecules affect the ability of a liquid to flow?

The attraction between molecules, known as intermolecular forces, affects the ability of a liquid to flow by influencing the viscosity of the liquid. Stronger intermolecular forces result in higher viscosity and reduced flowability, as molecules require more energy to overcome these forces and move past each other. On the other hand, weaker intermolecular forces lead to lower viscosity and better flowability as molecules can move more easily.

Why should the lubricant oil be of high viscosity?

High viscosity lubricant oil is thicker and can better withstand higher pressures and temperatures without thinning out, ensuring proper lubrication of moving parts and reducing friction and wear. This is especially important in heavy-duty machinery or engines subjected to harsh operating conditions.

Which is more likely to be dangerous---a volcano that erupts frequently or a volcano that has been inactive for a hundred years?

a volcano that hasn't been active for a hundred years because of viscosity which is the resistance to flow and one that has been inactive for a hundred years would have a low viscosity and would stick more for a better but more dangerous explosion.

What advantage does glycerol have over water as a rubber lubricant?

Glycerol is less volatile than water, resulting in longer-lasting lubrication for rubber. Additionally, glycerol has a higher viscosity than water, providing better lubrication properties for rubber materials.

What are planets like Jupiter Saturn Neptune and Uranus called?

These planets are called gas giants because they are primarily composed of hydrogen and helium gases. They are also characterized by their large size and relatively low density compared to the terrestrial planets like Earth.

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Which type of lave is better for forming lava tube caves?

"Basic", or low-silica, basalt lava, as its viscosity is relatively low.

What are some applications of viscosity?

motor oil. higher viscosity better for hot weather, lower for winter

Why are silicon are better lubricants than petroleum products?

because they have better thermal stability then petroleum as silicon viscosity dont change due to temperature change while petroleum viscosity changes with any change in its tempareture

What is viscosity in glue?

Viscosity in glue refers to its thickness and resistance to flow. Glues with high viscosity are thick and flow slowly, making them better for bonding vertical surfaces or filling gaps. Lower viscosity glues are thinner and flow more easily, making them suitable for applications requiring quick and even spread.

Why is low viscosity motor oil used in the winter?

It flows better in cold conditions.

What viscosity oil do you use in a harley transmission?

Knowing the year would help answer this better.

Can you Give you facts about viscosity?

Viscosity is a measure of a fluid's resistance to flow. It is influenced by factors like temperature and pressure. Viscous fluids have high resistance to flow, while less viscous fluids flow more easily.

Training employees how to be better listeners falls under which training category?

It should fall under the category of communication training.

Does higher viscosity oil help with an oil leak?

Higher viscosity oil does not flow as easily as lower viscosity oil, and therefore would not leak as badly. On the other hand, parts of the engine may not be getting enough oil and may be damaged. You are better off just fixing the leak.

Can you use 10w40 on a Saturn L300?

As the engine wears, the bearing clearances become a little larger, REQUIRING that you use a higher viscosity oil to maintain oil pressure. If using the recommended oil viscosity results in low oil pressure, you should certainly switch to the 10W40. HOWEVER, if the engine can maintain oil pressure using the recommended oil viscosity, you will get better economy and the engine will perform better.

Who does the viscosity of liquid benefits?

Viscosity benefits materials that require resistance to flow, such as lubricants in machines and inks in printing. Higher viscosity can provide better lubrication, reduce wear and extend equipment lifespan. In some cases, controlling viscosity can also improve product quality in industries like food and cosmetics.

How viscosity affects heat transfer?

Viscosity can affect heat transfer by influencing the speed at which a fluid flows. Higher viscosity fluids flow more slowly, which can impede heat transfer due to reduced convective heat transfer rates. Conversely, lower viscosity fluids flow more freely, allowing for better heat transfer as they move more easily over a surface.