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If you want the water to be more than hot enough to activate the bleach, then boil the water first. Boiling bleach is not advised, because that would produce deadly chlorine gas.

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Q: Should I boil the water first and then add bleach or add bleach then boil?
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I guess you could boil it, or use iodizing pills that will mix into the water to clean it. Maybe bleach? but i have no idea the correct method :S --------------------------- 16 drops of bleach (about 0.8 ml) per gallon of water mixed and left to stand for 20 min should render it drinkable as far as bacteria goes (it won't do anything for chemicals).

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Plain water will boil first because adding salt to water increases its boiling point. This means that salt water needs to be heated to a higher temperature than plain water in order to boil.

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Boil the skull in hydrogen peroxide.