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That was on 1 Jul 2010. Bangladesh is one of the countries that gets hit by thurderstorms and hurricanes.

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Q: Severe thunderstorms and a tornado in Bangladesh kill 600?
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Are thunderstorms bad?

Thunderstorms can be dangerous due to lightning strikes, high winds, hail, heavy rain, and potential tornadoes. They can cause property damage, power outages, and even injuries or fatalities. It's important to take precautions and stay safe during thunderstorms.

What are the causes and effects of severe weather like thunderstorms hurricanes and tornadoes?

Thunderstorms arise from what is called convective instability which is a condition in which a parcel of air will become warmer than its surroundings if lifted. As the air rises it cools and the moisture in it condenses, forming clouds and eventually precipitation. The condensation also releases energy. Most thunderstorms are not severe. Thunderstorms are an important source of rainwater in many regions, and so are vital to life. In some cases the rain can lead to flooding. Lighting can kill people and animals, destroy trees, and start fires. Severe thunderstorms canse produce large hail that can damage crops and property and can kill and injure people and animals. Damaging wind gusts can also be dangerous. Severe thunderstorms can also produce tornadoes. A tornado is a product of a thunderstorm, with most coming from an especially powerful type of storm called a supercell. Supercells develop when wind shear, differences in wind speed and direction wit altitude, sets the updraft of the storm rotating, turning it into a mesocyclone. This mesocyclone can tighten and intensify to form a tornado. A tornado produces violent winds that, in some cases, can severely damage or destroy man-made structures and pose a very serious threat to life and property. In some cases entire towns may be destroyed with dozens, or in very rare cases, hundreds killed. Large swaths may be essentially deforested. Hurricanes (generically known as tropical cyclones) are the result of clusters of thunderstorms that organize and intensify as they feed on the evaporation of warm ocean water. These are large storm systems that produce torrential rain and violent winds. Even when they don strike land, hurricanes create large ocean waves that can pose a hazard to boats and create rip currents on nearby shores. When they hit land, the wind pushes the ocean onto shore in what is called the storm surge. This can cause severe coastal flooding. The rain on top of that can lead to severe inland flooding. 90% of people who die in hurricanes drown. The winds of hurricanes can also cause significant damage, though it is rarely as severe as damage from significant tornadoes. Thunderstorms in a hurricane's rain bands may becomes severe, with tornadoes being a common threat.

What are the disadvantages of thunderstorms?

Some disadvantages of thunderstorms include strong winds that can cause damage to structures and trees, lightning strikes that pose a fire risk, heavy rain leading to flooding, and the potential for hail which can damage crops and property. Thunderstorms can also disrupt transportation and outdoor activities.

What are the most powerful thunderstorms?

In my opinion i think the deadliest storm is the fire storm because the fire storm can kill everybody that i land on anything can be burnt and the fire can create more of the enviromental issues in short that mean's global warning.

How are tornadoes thunder storms and flooding related?

Tornadoes, thunderstorms, and flooding are all related to severe weather conditions. Tornadoes can form during severe thunderstorms, which are characterized by lightning, strong winds, and heavy rain. Flooding often occurs as a result of heavy rainfall from these storms, which can overwhelm drainage systems and cause rivers to overflow. Overall, these weather events can often occur in conjunction with each other as part of the same weather system.

Related questions

How many people did the Bangladesh tornado kill?

On the date of April 26, 1989, the Bangladesh tornado killed 1300 people.

How did the worst ever tornado compare with normal tornadoes?

The worst tornado on record, the Daulatpur-Saturia tornado that hit Bangladesh on April 26, 1989 was definitely more severe than a typical tornado. This tornado killed 1,300 and left 80,000 homeless. The damage path was 50 miles long, compared with a mile or two for a typical tornado, and was probably much larger and stronger than a typical tornado as well, though no details on that information are available. A typical tornado does not kill and is not strong enough to destroy most homes, though it may be different in Bangladesh where many homes are poorly built.

How many people does a tornado kill at one time?

About 98% of tornadoes don't kill anyone. Of those that do kill, most kill only 1 or 2 people. The highest death toll on record from a tornado is approximately 1300 as a result of a tornado striking impoverished sections of two major cities in Bangladesh.

How many victim can there be in a tornado storm?

The highest death toll ever recorded in a tornado was about 1300 in the Daulatpur-Salturia (Bangladesh) tornado of April 26, 1989. The majority of tornadoes, however, don't kill anyone.

Why do weather forecast watch for tornado activity within thundrstorms?

Tornadoes form during thunderstorms. Of all the weather a thunderstorm can produce a tornado is perhaps the most dangerous. Tornadoes can produce very severe damage to property and can kill or inure people, especially those who are not prepared. Because of this it is important to be able to warn people about potential tornadoes

Why should you be on a lookout for tornadoes during a severe thunderstorm?

Severe thunderstorms can produce tornadoes. Tornadoes can cause serious damage or even total destruction of property and kill or injure people and animals.

Can a tornado kill more than 1000 people?

Yes, though this is only known to have happened once. On April 26, 1989 a tornado hit the Daulatpur and Salturia districts of Bangladesh killing an estimated 1300 people.

What tornado killed 1300 people in 2008?

No such tornado happened in 2008. The Daulatpur-Saturia tornado in Bangladesh did kill 1300 people, but it was in 1989. It is the only tornado to have killed more than 1000 people. One possible source of confusion is Cyclone Nargis, which struck Myanmar in 2008, killing 130,000. This however was not a tornado but was basically a hurricane.

Did any tornado kill more than 695?

Yes. The figure of 695 for the Tri-State tornado is only a "best guess" and may not include people who died later of their injuries. So the actual death toll of that tornado may be higher. Two tornadoes in Bangladesh have higher official death tolls. The 1969 East Pakistan tornado (East Pakistan being the former name of Bangladesh) killed over 900 people and the Daulatpur-Saturia tornado of 1989 killed an estimated 1,300 people, making it the deadliest tornado ever recorded.

Are thunderstorms bad?

Thunderstorms can be dangerous due to lightning strikes, high winds, hail, heavy rain, and potential tornadoes. They can cause property damage, power outages, and even injuries or fatalities. It's important to take precautions and stay safe during thunderstorms.

Do thunderstorms kill people?

Yes. People die every year as a result of various thunderstorm hazards including lightning strikes, flooding, severe wind gusts, and tornadoes.

Can a blade of grass kill you in a tornado?

It is unlikely that a blade of grass can kill you in a tornado. Tornadoes are dangerous due to their strong winds and debris, but a single blade of grass would not pose a significant threat to your safety during a tornado.