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scientists use fajita scale to measure hurricane intensity

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Q: Scientists use fujita scale to measure hurricane intensity.?
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Do scientists use the Fujita scale to measure hurricane intensity?

No, the Fujita scale is used to measure tornado intensity, not hurricane intensity. Scientists use the Saffir-Simpson scale to measure hurricane intensity based on wind speed.

Do Scientists use the Fujita to measure hurricane intensity?

No. The Fujita scale is used to rate the intensity of tornadoes. Hurricanes are rated on the Saffir-Simpson scale.

True or false scientist use the Fuita scale to measure hurricane intensity?

False. Scientists use the Saffir-Simpson scale to measure hurricane intensity, which categorizes hurricanes from 1 to 5 based on their sustained wind speeds. The Fujita scale, on the other hand, is used to measure tornado intensity based on the damage they cause.

Did Scientiise us fujita scails to measure hurricane imtenstiy?


Does the fujita scale measure hurricanes intensity?

No. Hurricanes are classified on the Saffir-Simpson scale. The Fujita scale is used to rate tornadoes.

What is the fujita sale used to measure?

It measures the intensity of tornadoes based on damage.

What is measured using the enchanced fujita scale?

The Enhanced Fujita scale is used to measure the intensity of tornadoes based on the severity of the damage they cause.

The Fujita scale measures what four things?

The Fujita scale really measure only one thing: the intensity of a tornado based on damage severity.

What is the name of the scale used to measure the intensity of a tornado?

The Enhanced Fujita (EF) Scale is used to measure the intensity of a tornado, ranging from EF0 (weakest) to EF5 (strongest) based on the damage caused by the tornado.

Does the Fujita scale measure the intensity of a tornado?

Yes, the Fujita scale measures the intensity of a tornado based on the damage it causes. It rates tornadoes on a scale from F0 (weakest) to F5 (strongest) based on the estimated wind speeds and extent of damage.

What does f stand for when talking about tornadoes?

"F" typically stands for the Fujita scale, which is used to measure the intensity of tornadoes based on the damage they cause. The scale ranges from F0 (weakest) to F5 (strongest), with higher ratings indicating more severe damage.

How does fujita scale measure the intensity of a tornado?

The Fujita scale measures the intensity of a tornado based on the damage it causes to buildings and vegetation. It ranges from F0 (weakest) to F5 (strongest), with the rating determined by examining the damage to determine the wind speed of the tornado.