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Q: Scientific predictions based on laws are formulated using deductive reasoning inductive reasoning presuppositions subjective reasoning?
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What is meant by the subjective properties of sound?

A subjective measure of sound is whether something is too loud, or too soft. A scientific measure of sound is gauged in the decibel level of the noise.

What is the difference between scientific and nonscientific questions?

Scientific questions are based on observable evidence and can be tested through research and experimentation, leading to objective conclusions. Nonscientific questions are often subjective, speculative, or based on personal beliefs, and do not follow the systematic methods of the scientific process.

What does science strives to be objective mean?

It means that scientists aim to minimize bias and personal beliefs in their research and conclusions. By striving for objectivity, scientists seek to base their findings on empirical evidence and rational analysis rather than subjective opinions. This helps ensure that scientific findings are reliable and can be trusted by others in the scientific community.

What is scientific observation and why is scientific observation not neutral?

Scientific observation involves using the senses or instruments to gather data about natural phenomena. It is not neutral because researchers may have biases or preconceived notions that affect what they choose to observe or how they interpret data, leading to potential subjective interpretations. Additionally, the act of observation itself can sometimes impact the phenomenon being observed, making it challenging to maintain complete objectivity.

Why is scientific observation not considered neutral?

Scientific observation is not considered neutral because it can be influenced by the observer's biases, expectations, and interpretations. These subjective factors can affect the data collected and the conclusions drawn from the observations, making it challenging to achieve complete neutrality in scientific observation.

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Does nostradamus predict zombies?

Nostradamus's predictions are subjective. You can interpret them to mean anything.

Why is a subjective reasoning not an example of a scientific thought?

A subjective reasoning is based on how you feel about something more than an actual fact. A scientific thought is emotionless and based on pure facts.

Why are objective observations better than subjective observations?

In the context of science, a subjective observation is fairly useless. Subjective observations can't be seen, heard, tested, measured, compared, etc. They are nothing more than an individual's feelings, thoughts or opinions. An objective observation is something that be seen, heard, counted, measured, compared, etc. Objective observations are observations that can be used to help form hypotheses and make predictions. Subjective observations are just your personal feelings about something. They do nothing to further the scientific process.

How does one heat a scientific definition?

Scientific definitions are typically formulated based on empirical evidence and logical reasoning within a specific field of study. They aim to provide a clear and precise explanation of a concept or phenomenon using specialized language and terminology. Heating a scientific definition would involve presenting it in a direct and objective manner, without introducing bias or subjective interpretation.

Why are objective observations are better than subjective observations?

... # Proceeding from or taking place in a person's mind rather than the external world: a subjective decision. # Particular to a given person; personal: subjective experience.

What is the scientific name for ugly people?

There is no scientific name for "ugly people." Beauty is subjective and not something that can be accurately defined through scientific classification.

Which is not a result of scientific theory?

Personal beliefs or opinions are not a result of scientific theory. Scientific theories are based on empirical evidence and reasoning, not on subjective views or perspectives.

Who were the two men who made the scientific method?

No two men invented the scientific method. The scientific method is a subjective concept that differs between scientists and institutions.

What is the point of view a historian uses when interpreting events?

Events from the past that are similar to the present events; news stories with predictions of future events; objective and subjective views

What is meant by the subjective properties of sound?

A subjective measure of sound is whether something is too loud, or too soft. A scientific measure of sound is gauged in the decibel level of the noise.

What is a statement that is based on feelings judgments or predictions?

A statement based on feelings, judgments, or predictions is subjective in nature, reflecting an individual's personal viewpoint rather than verifiable facts. It can be influenced by personal experiences, biases, or emotions, making it open to interpretation and varying from person to person.

What are the disadvantages of extrasensory perception?

Some disadvantages of extrasensory perception include lack of scientific evidence to support its existence, susceptibility to deception and fraud, and potential reliance on subjective experiences rather than objective data. It can also lead to skepticism and criticism from the scientific community.