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Scientific laws are based on repeated observations and evidence, so they are considered unlikely to change. However, they can be updated or refined based on new discoveries or insights, as our understanding of the natural world evolves.

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Q: Scientific laws have stood the test of time and they will not change?
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Why have the laws of physic not been rewritten?

The laws of physics have not been rewritten because they accurately describe and predict the behavior of the natural world. These laws have stood the test of time through rigorous testing and experimentation. Any new discoveries are incorporated into existing frameworks rather than completely rewriting them.

Can The physical natural laws which establish how things work can be investigated by the scientific method?

Yes, physical natural laws that govern how things work can be investigated through the scientific method. This involves making observations, forming hypotheses, conducting experiments, and analyzing data to gain a better understanding of these laws. The scientific method allows researchers to test and validate theories about the natural world based on empirical evidence.

Why aren't the big bang theory and the steady state theory considered scientific laws?

They can't be proven with 100% scientific certainty. No one was there to witness the big bang, so we can't technically say that it definitely happened. And we wouldn't call the Steady State Theory a law, since it has been seriously discounted in recent decades. It is worth adding that when time honored theories become 'laws' it is not because they have be proven with 100% certainty. It is because they have survived the test of time and the test of many, many scientific challenges. Nothing can really be proven with 100% scientific certainty.

A statement of nature that seems to be true is a scientific?

Scientific statements about nature are based on evidence, observation, and experimentation. They are subject to change as new data becomes available. Scientists use the scientific method to test hypotheses and theories to ensure accuracy and reliability in their findings.

What is the test to answer scientific questions called?

The test to answer scientific questions is called an experiment. It involves setting up controlled conditions to observe and analyze the relationship between variables in order to draw conclusions or test hypotheses.

Related questions

A verified theory that has stood the test of time is called?

Scientific law

What is the difference between a scientific law and a theory?

A scientific law is a statement of a pattern that has been observed. A theory is an explanation that has stood up to repeated test.

Why does the scientific community accept newton's scientific model of motion set forth in his 3 laws of motion?

The scientific community accepts Newton's laws of motion because they have been empirically validated through experiments and observations. These laws provide a comprehensive and accurate description of how objects move and interact with each other in various situations, forming the foundation for classical mechanics. Additionally, Newton's laws have stood the test of time and are still applicable in many everyday situations as well as in more complex systems.

What part of a scientific experiment do you change or manipulate?

The part of an experiment that you test or manipulate change is called your independent variable.

How did the scientific method change the way people think?

They experimented more to test hypotheses.apex

How did the scientific method change the way people science?

They experimented more to test hypotheses

Why can scientific knowledge withstand the test in time?

It is open to change as new evidence or data is discovered. Scientific knowledge may withstand the test of time if it is true, rather than convenient.

How did the scientific method change the way people practiced science?

They experimented more to test hypotheses

What is the ultimate test for a scientific theory or idea?

a scientific test

Scientific knowledge can withstand the test of time because?

it is open to change as new evidence or data is discovered

Why have the laws of physic not been rewritten?

The laws of physics have not been rewritten because they accurately describe and predict the behavior of the natural world. These laws have stood the test of time through rigorous testing and experimentation. Any new discoveries are incorporated into existing frameworks rather than completely rewriting them.

How has the 1846 treaty of Oregon stood the test of time?
